Chapter 4

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I groaned and slammed my first into my alarm clock.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath knowing what I had done...again.

I looked up to see my alarm clock in pieces on my nightstand. Mom was going to kill me. I sighed and started to collect the broken alarm clock. A knock at my door startled me.

"Come in," I said, my voice still weary from sleep.

I expected my mom to come into my room. But no, instead I was greeted with my biological father, "Good morning Frigga." His smile was warm and comforting.

"Morning," I smiled back. Instantly a million different questions flooded my mind but I keep silent.

"Your mother told me to inform you to prepare for the place of educational purposes."

I laughed, "You mean school?"

I smiled, "Call it what you wish but be ready." With that he closed the door. I noticed he wasn't wearing that weird armor anymore, just a pair of dark jeans and a navy blue T-shirt.

I chuckled lightly to myself before continuing to clean my alarm clock mess. After all the pieces had been put in the trash, I quickly brushed out my hair and got dressed. I wasn't wearing anything too fancy, just dark grey skinny jeans, a red T-shirt, and a simple grey jacket. I laced up my combat boots and headed downstairs.

"Mom I broke another one," I said as soon as I entered the kitchen that smelt like pancakes

My mom focused her attention on me, "Really? That's the fourth one this month."

"Sorry," I murmured.

She sighed, "There's a few extra alarm clocks in my closet I'll put one in your room while you're at school."

Your probably wondering why my mom has miscellaneous alarm clocks? Well they are for this exact reason, in case my strength gets the best of me.

"Thank you," I said as my mom handed me a plate. I sat down at the table, straight across from my dad.

He emptied his coffee mug and looked at the bottom before raising his cup and saying, "This drink, it is good! I shall have an-"

"No!" my mom interrupted, "Not again just give it here and I'll get you another."

He frowned before handing my mother the mug.

"I swear it's like I live with a child," she muttered.

"Hey!" I said offensively.

"No not you," my mom said, "Him."

"Hey!" he said in a tone that matched mine, amusement laced in his voice.

"Wait he's living with us?" I asked, suddenly confused.

"Yes," she simply replied, "I'll take you to school."

"Don't worry," I waved her off and placed my empty plate in the dishwasher, "I can walk."

"No, walking to school is too dangerous."

"I can accompany her," my dad spoke up.

"Sure," my mom smiled, "Frigga go get your bag. You'll have to leave soon if you want to make it on time."

I nodded and went searching for my bag. After I found it I met my dad outside and we started walking. The first part of the walk was quiet. It was weird having a father figure. But it made me feel... safe? I guess.

"Which way?" he asked once we reached a corner. I pointed to the left  and we both turned. You know those millions of questions I wanted to ask? Well they were practically eating me alive.

"Where's Asgard?" I spit out.

He looked down at me and smiled before saying, "It's in a different realm. I'll have to take you some time.

I nodded before asking another, "Do I have any other family?"

"Yes," he smiled and looked forward, "Loki, my brother, is your uncle. He is quite mischievous. Your grandfather, Father Odin, is a great man. I wish that you meet him some day."

"What about my grandma? The one I'm named after?" he sighed.

"Your grandmother was a lovely lady. She had the heart of a million aristocrats and a smile that shown through out the realm."

"What happened?"

"She risked her own life for your mother's, and for that, I am forever grateful."

"Oh," was all I could say. Maybe that's the reason I'm named after her. I could see the school in the distance. Probably about another block or so, "Do you know Tony Stark?"

A smile returned to his face, "Yes, yes I do. After all I am apart of the Avengers."

"Who?" I asked.

He laughed, "Oh my, you do not know who the Avengers are? That's right we last worked together when you were nothing but a tiny newborn. Well you are still tiny."

"Hey!" I nudged him and we laughed, "I do kind of remember reading about the Avengers though."

"That was actually the last time I saw your mother and you before I left."

I had prepared myself to ask this question if I ever met my real father, yet I was having trouble bringing myself to say it. Finally I mustered up enough courage and asked, "How come you left?"


Guess who's back, Back again

Tieler's back, tell your friends.

That's how that goes right? Haha ok I'm horrible for not updating. But remember that writers block thing I was talking about? Well it's gone so I have tons of ideas! Can I get a Woot Woot?!



Thank you for being patient! Much Love!❤


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