Chapter 18

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My first official Asgardian Ball was in and hour and a half and I still had no idea what I wanted to dress in. I had showered and was going through dozens of dresses and gowns in the closet. Right now I was only in a pair if basketball shorts and a tank top (clothes from home).

I huffed for probably the hundredth time that hour and started searching through the dresses again. I had four dresses in mind but couldn't decide. I collected all four of them in my arms and carried them to the bed. I laid each one of them out separately and smoothed the fabric.

I skimmed my eyes over the first one. A long blue dress that cut off near my ankles. the sleeves were transparent and covered with sapphire colored gems. It had a high neck line and silver trim at the bottom.

The second gown would surely touch the ground. It resembled the dress my mother wore this morning; pine green with long sleeves. It flowed a little more at the waist that the first one did. There were gems all over the torso and golden trim all around.

The third dress was bright red and went to about the top of my knees. It was tight at the top, long sleeved and a silk material. At the waist it flared out more and got more frilly, with layers underneath. It was a plain dress and didn't have any gems or special trim.

The last dress was gold-ish and had an embroidery of flowers and swirls all over it. The under layers of it where dark green and the trim on it was dark green, which matched the embroidery and layers underneath the top fabric.

After careful consideration between the third and second dress, I chose the third one and put the rest away.

Once I finished changing I pulled out my converse and tied them up on my feet. I looked in the body mirror that hung on the back of the closet door and smiled at my weird style. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and make sure I looked ok. After that I headed back to the closet to look through the small jewelry box in there.

The box had four small drawers that held bracelets and rings. The top of the box pulled open to reveal a small place for earnings. Both sides swung open to reveal hanging necklaces. I chose a simple, silver necklace with a star charm on it.

I plopped on my bed and noticed the ball started in twenty minutes. So while I was waiting for my mom and dad to come to my room, I pulled out my phone and read through my unread texts.

Emily : So do you have to leave your hammer on Asgard? Cause I want to see this awesomeness :D

Noah : Hey (:

Emily : I just read a classic book from like 15 years ago.

Emily : I'll give it you at school when you get back you HAVE to read it.

I laughed at Emily's persistence and smiled at Noah's text I shot them both a text.

To Noah : Hey(:

To Emily : I'll have to read it (:

A knock at my door pulled my attention from my phone. I shoved my phone in my bra and walked over to the door. When I opened it I met the eyes of my mother and father.

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