Chapter 6

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As soon as my feet left the ground I had a panic attack. I was horrified of heights. I clung onto my dad's chest and turned my head slightly. I could see all of New York.

This is really happening.

I'm going to Stark Towers, with Thor.

I'm going to meet Tony Stark.

I felt the air get colder the faster we moved. I buried my head into my father's T-Shirt to avoid the cold. Suddenly we stopped. For a moment I thought we fell but I didn't feel cold anymore. The grip around me loosened and my feet carefully touched the ground.

"Thou can let go now," he chuckled.

"Oh," I murmured, "Sorry."

I let go of him and looked around. I could still see the whole city. We were standing on the "Party Deck" of Stark Towers. About 5 people came walking out of the glass doors.

"Point Break!" shouted Tony. I just stood there in shock.

"My friends!" Thor boomed. They all ran at him and they have exchanged hugs quickly.

Tony was the first one to notice my appearance, "Who's this? Wait don't tell me..."

"Frigga," I confirmed. After I said that it seemed like everything froze. Everybody stopped and looked at me. The silence was broken by a red haired girl running towards me.

"Frigga!" she screamed. She picked me up and spun me around. After she placed me back on the ground, she grabbed both of my shoulders and said, "Hi. I'm your aunt Natasha."

"H-Hi," I said shakily. Just then everyone seemed to be around us.

Another man dressed in black with a bow on his back said, "I'm Clint." and stuck out his hand. I shook it I until I interrupted by someone else. 

He pulled me around and crushed me in a hug. Then said, "I'm Steve."

"Hi," I hugged him back. Over his shoulder I saw another person walking towards us. Steve let me go and I shook hands with the man that had black hair.

"I'm Bruce," he said with a smile.

I went to reply and tell him my name but before I could he said, "And I already know who you are."

I smiled as Tony walked over with a cup in his hand. He just stared at me and I stared back for a moment. Everyone else was silent.

"I'm Iron Man," he said and stuck out his hand.

I took his hand a shook it, "So I've heard."

He chuckled as everyone else laughed and walked into the building.

"Not bad, kid," he patted my shoulder, "Not bad."

We followed everyone into the building. The inside of it was amazing. There was dark cherry wood flooring, but passed the bar and dining table was tan carpet. The dining table was a sleek, modern black and the bar was fancy, yet not too fancy. On the carpet there was a couch facing away from us. It was facing the black flat screen on the wall. What really caught my attention though was the picture one the wall to my right.

It was a picture of the Avengers in a black frame. I recognized almost everyone on there. Natasha was holding a black pistol and was dressed in all black. Clint stood on the opposite side of the picture. He was also dressed in black and was aiming his arrow somewhere. Tony was in the middle in his Iron Man suit and Bruce was all hulked-up and next to him. My dad stood on the other side of Tony and Steve was next to black widow. But there was one person next to Clint, who I didn't recognize. He had shoulder-length black hair and green eyes. He was dressed in gold and black and held a devious smile on his face.

"Who's that?" I asked my dad.

"He is your uncle, Loki."

"How come he isn't here," I questioned.

"He's still in Asgard right now," he explained.


"Frigga come here, there's something cool I want to show you!" Tony called.

"Coming!" I shouted back and ran over to a sleek white door. He pressed a button and waited in silence.

"Tony where are you taking her?" Natasha called.

"The lab," Tony said as we stepped into the elevator.

"What's the lab?" I asked when the doors closed.

"It's where the coolest things ever are," he gloated.

"Like what?"

"My suit," the doors opened as he said it. We stepped into a huge space but it was all dark.

"Jarvis, lights please!" he said. All the lights turned on, revealing dozens of Iron Man suits.

"Whoa..." I marveled at them as we walked to the very end of the row.  This particular suit was guarded by black glass so I couldn't see what kind of suit was on the other side.

"Jarvis, open glass number 13." He said. Then a small keypad lit up on the glass and he typed in a code.

What surprised me next was the suit behind the glass. It was gold and dark red, like the original Iron Man suit. Except this one was smaller. It looked like it would

I looked up at Tony just as he looked down at me.

Then he said, "That's yours."


Does this count as a early update? I hope so. I was going to update last night but i was tired. Actually last night I watched all the Iron Man movies again. I was really bored so don't judge.

Anyway please vote and/or comment. Thank you!


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