Chapter 5

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He sighed before he stopped walking. He glanced towards the school under the bright morning sun then looked down at me. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable looking into his eyes, yet I could stare at them all day. I had the feeling he was about to tell me a huge story.

But instead he just said, "You would not understand." Then started walking again.

I stood there, confused for a moment before I ran to catch up with him, "No. I'll understand." I stated bluntly.

He chuckled a bit, "We should get you to school."

I laughed at the way he said school, like he wasn't used to saying it. So I decided not to ask anymore and the rest of the way to school we talked about Stark Enterprises.


"Hey Frigga!" Emily chirped as I walked into science. She was in white pants with a pink hoodie and pink flats. Her blonde hair was pulled into a pony tail and she waved me towards her.

I sat down next to her, "Hey."

"So what's new?" That was her phrase I guess, instead of saying 'What's up?' she said that instead.

"I actually have news," I smiled."

"Oooh do tell!" she took a drink from her water bottle.

"Well you know how Darcy and Eric came over last night?" I asked. She just nodded so I continued.

"Ok so apparently my mom had some weird readings on one of her weird devices. And then some random guy turned up at our door and it turned out that the random guy was my dad."

"Oh no way! So what does the strange readings have to do with anything?"

"Ok class settle down and start on the bell ringer," said Mr.Jones.

The class fell silent. I worked on my bell ringer with more and more questions buzzing in my head. The rest of the day was boring and I didn't see Emily again until lunch.

"Anyway so you never got a chance to answer my question. What does those weird readings have to do with anything?" We were currently sitting alone at our very own lunch table in the corner of the cafeteria. Since we were new and didn't want to socialize with anyone else, we were perfectly content here.

"So they came from  that random guy and they were weird readings because that guy was Thor. And Thor is the god of thunder. That's why we had that huge storm last night, and that's why my mom got those strange readings," I explained. Emily's jaw was practically on the floor by the time I finished.

"Like the Avengers Thor?!" she gasped.

"You remember the Avengers?" I asked and turned my head to her.

"No but my mom talks about then a lot. Especially Captain America. Apparently he saved my mom from some alien like things a long time ago."

"Nice," I smiled, suddenly wanting to know more about these Avengers.

School finally ended and I walked outside, looking for my mom's car but instead found my dad shuffling his feet back and forth on the corner. I hurriedly crossed the street and ran up to him.

"Dad!" I yelled and jumped at him. I thought I'd never be so excited to see someone in my life. I heard him chuckle as he caught me. I quickly got down, probably realizing how heavy a 14 year old probably weighed.

"Was your day alright?" he questioned as we started walking.

"Yea it was great," I said taking the rest of my chips from my lunch box and offering my dad one. We both took and chip.

"So I thought you should know," he took another chip, "Why I was missing for so many years."

I nodded, encouraging him to continue as I took another chip for myself.

"Well after you were born, it was only a few days afterwards, Asgard had fallen into another war. I had to return home to fight for my realm which meant I would be forced to leave you and your mother. But Jotunheim was very powerful this time and the war lasted much longer than it should have. Which had damaged the Bifrost again. After the war was through, it took years to fix the Bifrost, due to the fact that it was badly damaged and so was Asgard at the time. Fixing Asgard and it's people was all we had time for, until just recently, we finally finished the work on the Bifrost."

That was a way longer expatiation than I expected, yet I understood what he was saying... kind of.

"Okay," I finally said.

"Do thou believe me?' he asked.

"Yes," I said trying to get a chip out of my teeth. I changed the subject, "When can you take me to meet Tony?"

He laughed deeply as we walked up our driveway, "Very soon my darling, very soon."

We walked into the house and it smelt like dust and dirt. I opened up the door to thew basement and coughed at the smell. Apparently my mom, Darcy and Eric must be working on something. I coughed again as I shut the door. I noticed the gross look on my dads face as he said, "Is that stench normal?"

I laughed and nodded.

"Maybe we will be visiting Tony sooner than expected."

"Really?!" I couldn't believe my ears. I was going to meet the smartest and richest man in the world. I WAS GOING TO MEET IRON MAN!

He nodded and we walked out of the house.

"How are we going to get there?" I asked. Stark Towers was in the center of the city. We lived quite a bit away from it.

I looked over and my dad was gone. He ran back out of the house shortly after with his hammer. He grabbed me in a dad-like protective way before raising his hammer and I felt my feet leave the ground.

Holy Shit.



Ok, so in this Chapter. Emily says that her mom was saved by captain America, I also said that Emily was a blonde. Now remember the blonde chick on the news at the end of The Avengers who is grateful that Cap. saved her life? THAT'S EMILY'S MOM.

Now please comment if you understood or you were confused.

Please and thank you (:


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