Chapter 41

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"I think I need to return to Asgard."

And right there, my whole world stopped. The Earth stop stopped revolving and my heart slowed. The dred that filled my body was like an intoxicating tattoo that inked and stained my soul. The thin fabric that was my emotions shredded at the mere thought.

My already dry throat seemed to stop working, giving me a cough attack and forcing the rest of my sore body to awake as well. I shot up in the bed, immediately gasping for air and coughing repeatedly. My mom started patting my back and saying things I couldn't hear while my father handed me a water bottle from the nightstand. With a shaky hand, I took it and sipped some of it. The liquid cooled my throat as a million thoughts ran through my head.

"Frigga are you alright?" My mom rubbed my back.

I glanced between the two of them and nodded, unsure of my own feelings at the moment.


"So what's it gonna be?" Clint said as he, Tony and I searched through the movies in the cabinet.

"What's this?" I held up a movie.

"You haven't seen Pitch Perfect?" Tony gasped and snatched the movie from my hands.

"You have?" Clint laughed and stood up.

"You uncultured swine! We are watching it right now," he rolled his eyes. "Jarvis! Pitch Perfect on main television."

A robotic arm took the case from his hands and began to set up the movie for us.

"Popcorn too," he said and another arm started making the snack.

Tony started getting drinks while Clint and I began setting up blankets. We moved the coffee table and set out layers, upon layers of blankets on the floor. Next we piled pillows all along the sides of the couches and the top area of the blankets. Lastly are took a thin sheet and tucked it into the top of the couches so it canopied over out blanket set-up. Where the end of the sheet would've covered the TV screen, we called Jarvis.

"Jarvis!" I called, "Hold this up for us."

"Yes Frigga dear," the robotic arms took the sheet so I stepped off the couch. We now had a fully functional blanket fort. Complete with a view of the television. I was staying the night at Tony's tonight because my mom and dad needed to talk about stuff. Not "talk", just talk. I was originally going to stay the night at Emily's house but her brother was throwing a party for his birthday (their parents were actually letting him) so she was staying with her Aunt.

When that dilemma came up, Tony offered me to stay over. Then Clint decided he wanted to "bond more". His words, not mine.

The microwave went off, signaling that our popcorn was done so Clint went to get it. After a moment or so, he and Tony returned to the fort.

"Jarvis, play movie," Tony said as he, Clint, and I crawled into the fort. It was pretty funny seeing Tony trying to crawl in with three drinks in his hands. Once he was stable, he handed me a glass. It had a red-ish liquid in it and a mini umbrella on top.

I took a sip of the drink and immediately scrunched up my nose, "Toaster I think this is alcohol."

He knitted his eyebrows together and took a sip of it, "Yup. must've given you the wrong one."

He then proceeded to sip all of them, "Hmm. Guess they all have alcohol. Oops. Enjoy!"


I guess I must have fallen asleep sometime during the third movie. After Pitch Perfect was over, Tony insisted on watching the second one as well. Then after that we put in some other action based movie and I fell asleep.

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