Chapter 34.

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{A/N: I will skip the "Steven's Birthday" episode because I don't have any important information there, and I know it's important that chapter should be important because y/n and steven could have a screentime about each other. But, I will insert it on the other chapters. This chapter is on the episode "It could've been great" of steven universe. The point is, if I make it it will be like a filler chapter and I don't like fillers :) }

At The Barn*

It is the late evening. Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst are seen sitting on a hill and watching the sunset over Beach City. Steven is lying nearby against Lion, strumming his ukulele and you lying besides him.

Iron: Why aren't they working? (hammering nails outside of the drill*)

Peridot: Gahh!! I don't know Iron, those clods are nothing more than selfish, stupid clods that can't help us anyway. (checking the drawing that pearl made if it is accurate on the drill*)

Iron: Are they seriously making us to do absolutely everything around here? (stops hammering*) If yes, then we shouldn't have ask them help in the first place! (rubs her head in dismay*) I'll go tell them to stop doing nothing and help us this instant.

Iron walks up to him.

Iron: Steven.

Steven: Hi!

Iron: Why did you stop working on the drill?! Why are they just sitting there looking at nothing?!

Steve: We worked hard and we deserve to take it easy for a little bit. I mean just look at that view. It's beautiful.

You: Yeah, if you want to keep working then go. But, if you want to rest then join us. No one is stopping.

Peridot couldn't handle it anymore and walks up to you and steven and is besides with iron

Peridot: y/n, we appreciate the offer but. It's going to be blown to oblivion by the Cluster if we don't get back to work!

Steven: Working hard is important, but feeling good is important too.

You: Yup, there's a time for work and there's a time to rest and relax.


Peridot accidentally turns on the power drill in her hand in her frustration, and it makes a buzzing sound.

Steven: Hey! (imitates the drill buzzing*) What is that, a C? (plays the note on his ukulele*)

Peridot: The drill? (makes the drill buzz again*m

Steven: Yeah! (Peridot makes the drill buzz in a higher pitch*)  Oh my gosh, now it's music!

Iron: And i'm gonna go back to fixing the drill.

Iron leaves and started to continue her work.

Peridot: Ow, you know what. Iron is right, I should probably fix the drill right about now (laughs awkwardly*)

Steven: Wait!! (grabs peridot's arm*)

Peridot: Steven! (struggling to get off from steven's grasp*) Let go of me! You clod!

Steven: Peridot, let me teach you about music first.

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