Chapter 39.

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The Barn*

Iron, Steven and Peridot share their underground experience with the the Cluster with Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst outside the barn.

Peridot:It was so intense down there! We were already a few layers into the Earth's crust, WHEN SUDDENLY -- WA-PAMO! KA POWIE! All these gross Cluster limbs started clawing at the drill. So, I whipped out the old Photon Blaster and, "PEW PEW P-CHOW CHOW! Take that, Cluster!". And
Steven was all, "My feelings!", and then up and passes out on me! Then everything started glowing and Iron had to take the wheel and and!!... well, yeah, wait.

Peridot clears her throat

Peridot:I'm sure Steven can fill you in on the rest since he's the one who saved us. You should've seen it, right Steven? Tell 'em what happened in there!

Steven, gazing at the barn, does not respond.


Steven:Hold on a sec. I'll be right back.

Steven walks to the barn to check on you and lapis Lazuli.

Iron: Steven is such a good human kid huh?

Amethyst: Yup, (lays down*) Ahhh... We thought that kid very well.

Pearl is loose in her mind thinking about something, something very important. Pearl looked at iron and peridot seriously.

Pearl: Iron, peridot. We need to tell you something very important to us.

Peridot: Hmm, a secret. What is "the secret" you want to talk about?

Pearl: Well, since you two proven yourself as a true member of the crystal gems. I think it's time for you to know one of the crystal gems darkest secrets.

Iron and peridot looked at each other realizing that this is important and not to be taken ridiculously.

Pearl: Just to be clear, this is not my idea. Especially, one of them is an enemy of us back then.

Pearl looks at iron and iron sighs knowing that she understands that they were enemies during the gem war.

Iron: (feeling down*)Okay, I understand.

Peridot: (angrily*) Ugh!! Can't we just know about "the secret" that you are talking about?! I have a lot of stories to tell about our trip down the cluster!

Pearl: (shushes Peridot*) Okay, okay just keep your voice down, alright?

Peridot nodded in agreement then sit down.

Pearl: Alright. (projects the figure of the shadow assassin*)

Amethyst: (instantly wakes up*) Wait you're gonna tell them right here, right now?!

Pearl: (grunts*) Amethyst it was already decided that we will them and I figured why not now?

Amethyst: (sighs*) Are you sure about this?

Pearl: Yes, we need to make them aware of this human's capabilities.

Peridot and Iron keeps looking at the shadow assassin figure or you and they are shocked.

Iron & Peridot: Woah...

Pearl: This is a human called "The Shadow Assassin". The shadow assassin assaulted us 4 years ago. And I know what you're thinking, no average human could stand up against us because gems are powerful than an average human but yet he did. He almost shattered us, if we didn't form alexandrite we are done for.

Iron: Why would that human assault you in the first place?

Peridot: And how in the stars can a human hurt a gem?! No offense to steven and y/n but, organics like a human are fragile or soft?!

The shadow assassin (steven universe reader-insert)Where stories live. Discover now