Chapter 49.

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"Where did you get that, garnet!?" Pearl asks uncontrollably at garnet.

Amethyst looks at garnet with confusion and a bit of anger, to think of one of her closest friend is her greatest fear? There is no way amethyst will accept that easily and pearl is no different at all. There is no. way Y/N is the shadow assassin, there is no way you can be their enemy. Because if it is y/n, then they will have to fight you, their closest friend.


The crystal gems tuck y/n on his bed and watches him fall asleep.

"Goodnight y/n, we hope you sleep well." Iron whispers quietly to y/n looking at him with an adorable smile.

y/n falls asleep and finally he finally takes his rest however.

Garnet looks at the bottom of y/n's closet and checks it out. Garnet inspects y/n's things and let's just say it didn't peak her interest that much.

All she saw were t-shirts, jeans, pajamas or mainly clothes in general. Although she did saw a picture of y/n and y/f at y/n's graduation day in highschool but it was just meh to her. And there it is.

The shadow assassin suit that y/n try to hid in there. Garnet was shaking at what she saw. She looks at y/n, if y/n are sleeping or not. Once it's all clear, garnet bubbles it and put it in her gem.

"Hey garnet, let's get going." Iron said whispering at garnet on the doorm

"Oh right, sure." Garnet leaves and closes the door. Once she was closing the door, she looks at y/n asking 'Who are you Y/N?'

*Flashback End*

"And I grab the suit while y/n is still asleep. Y/N is still unaware that I stole his suit but..." Garnet stop as pearl and amethyst looks at her with a confused and shocked look.

"But we need to consider the  possibility that y/n is the shadow assassin, regardless of our emotions." Garnet said.


(Y/N P.O.V)

I arrived at steven's house. I walk up to his beach house and knock on their door. I'm not a short tempered person but it's been 15 minutes and I didn't hear a single sound walking up to the door, shouting names, or just any noise in the house. I'm wondering what our next course of our plan is. More importantly, I want to know that imposter so bad. I look at the window and no one is inside the house.

"Hello?! Is anyone there?! Garnet! Amethyst! Pearl! Steven!"

I shouted like an idiot outside and waited for someone to come out. I sighed and finally gave up to enter the house, I mean I can but I do not break into someone's house due to their privacy and my respect to them.

I go down and head to my motorcycle. I look at the house as the breeze of the hair moves my hair. I look at the house, bum out a little.

"Guess I'm going to peridot and iron then." I said as I get on top of my motorcycle and put on my helmet. I start the engine and move out.

As I drive to the barn. I'm wondering where are the others? Are they going on a mission without me? Are they just i don't know, hanging out at beach city? Why would they leave me hangin, dang that's rough...

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