Chapter 26...

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At the Beach House*

You are sitting on the couch being disappointed at pearl. Then, Pearl is seen warping onto the temple Warp Pad, and she flinches when Steven calls out to her.

Steven: Pearl! Where have you been? (runs to Pearl*)

Pearl: Uh, looking for Iron and Peridot! ... For a few days straight... Steven, I know I might have... disappointed... all of you. I know Y/N Garnet is very upset with me, but I'm going to prove to them that they can trust me again!

Garnet then walks in through the front door, garnet looks at you and your face is either angry or upset.

Pearl: Oh! Garnet! Y/N! I was just looking for Iron and Peridot! They are bound to be somewhere, right? Any new ideas?

You and Garnet says nothing, garnet walks past her.

Pearl: I'm sorry to the three of you... (looks down*)

Garnet stops walking and you just smile like this.

Greg's voice is heard from outside, as he bursts in through the front door

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Greg's voice is heard from outside, as he bursts in through the front door.

Greg: Who wants to go on a road trip?! (Everyone glares at him, all looking unhappy, except you, you didn't show emotions) Umm... Is this a bad time?

Garnet: No. Please continue. (approaches Greg*)

Greg: Are you okay y/n? You look very upset about something. Is there something wrong?

You: (cold voice*) No, greg. Everyone is fine...(looks at pearl angrily*) There's no problem

Pearl looks at you with a scared face.

Greg: Well I gotta drive over to the next state, Keystone.

Pearl: You mean the Keystone state?

Greg: Right, the state named Keystone. I met a guy on an internet message board who's selling car wash brushes for real cheap! I just gotta meet him in Keystone and pick em' up!

Steven: I don't like those brushes, they feel weird on your fur.

Greg: Well, do you like motels?

Steven: Probably!

Greg; Think you'd like to stay at a motel with your favorite dad?

Steven: I don't know if you're my favorite...

Greg: What? Huh... oh, you kidder! Come here!

Steven : (jumps into Greg's arms*) I can't wait to get room service!

Greg: You're thinking of a hotel, we're going to a motel. It'll have a pool, and free ice, and it's right next to The Best Diner in the World!

Garnet: I'm coming too.

You: (raises your hand and stands up*) Can I come too? Because I want to get out of town for a while.

Garnet: (looks back at you and smiled) Sure, y/n as long as greg agreed on approval.

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