Chapter 22.

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{This chapter take part after the "keep it together" episode"}.

It is the middle of the night, you are now walking home alone after  going back to the kindergarten. You are really tired because of these missions that you have been through is getting thougher than thougher than the last. This isn't like your days as the shadow assassins. It was a sinch for you, because you only have to deal with human technologies. But now, this is alien tech and it is far more different in the past. Still, you didn't regret being a crystal gem,  you now have a family that cares for you. But, you are thinking about lapis, you miss her very much. When you watch camp pining hearts sometimes, you sometimes want this in your life with her. You just really miss her and when you get her back you promise yourself that you will get to know her better.

As you are walking, some shadow figures are following you at the rooftops. You didn't notice it by first, but when you slowly feel that a kunai was gonna hit your head, you quickly move your neck, grab it with your left hand and throw the kunai back at which it came from. However, no one was there, you just hit a crow. You take a deep breath and started to walk again. As you are moving you closed your eyes hearing possible footsteps near you, you sense some stomping at the rooftops and slowly summon a shadow kunai and throw it at the specific area where you sense the stomping. The shadow kunai just banish, you didn't hear it hit anything. You are still looking seriously at that area and you sense something, two kunai is coming right at you. You block one of the kunai's at the back and you grab the second one quickly and throw it at the another or third kunai making it stop going through you.

You: (Angrily*) That's it!! No more hiding, show yourself to me!!

???: Yare yare...(hops down to the ground*)

{???: Good Grief*}

As soon as this figure hops down to the ground, your eyes are frightened. You see a familiar symbol. The symbol looks like a circle and inside the circle was a four-point star and lastly, inside the star was a diamond. The color of the circle was black and the star was color red and the diamond was just color white. That symbol was very familiar to you, very familiar

??? #1: Yōyaku o ai dekite kōeidesu. Y/ N sensei.

{??? #1: It's an honor to finally meet you. Y / N teacher.}

You: Nani? Ittai nani o itteru no? 'Sensei' tte dōiu imi? !

{You: What? What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean a "teacher"?!!}

??? #1: Sensei... Anata ga modotte kite, watashitachi no gurandomasutā ga hajimeta koto o oeru toki ga kimashita...

{??? #1: Teacher ... it's time for you to come back and finish what our Grandmaster started...}

You just look back and see another two mysterious figure. You are cornered. You look at the top of their hood, and see the symbol that the first one has.

??? #2: Y/N... You can trick everyone except us. We know, you are the Shadow Assassin. The most deadliest Assassin that has ever lived.

You: Deadliest? What do you mean deadliest?

??? #3: Sensei. We are regretting to tell you this. But the outside world is looking for you. Rumors tell that a demon from hell came into this planet and wants to wreck havoc, others said  that you are psychopath that has a thirst of blood and-

You: (getting pissed*) That's enough!! I don't care if the whole world is looking for me. For now...

You: (points at the 3rd figure*) But, what I do care about now is the identity of you three. Who the hell are you?! What do you want?! And, where did you get that symbol...

??? #1: First, we cannot tell you our exact identity. Second, we want you to continue what our grandmaster has started. And third, let's just stay we got it from the place in which you originated.

You: Oh yeah, (summons a shadow sword*) and what if I don't want to come back?

??? #1: Well then... (pulls out a katana*) You will be forced. To face the truth.

The two mysterious figures now pulls out another two katanas, meaning, that a fight will start. Instantly, you charge at the first figure. You and the figure engage in a sword fight, the two of you look at each other while fighting, suddenly the 2nd figure jumps at you and you quickly perform a black flip, avoiding it. Just when you landed, a bunch of kunai's were gonna hit you. You dodge most of it, but the last one hit your left cheek.

You: Gah! (trembles to the ground covering your face*)

??? #2: There's no use, y/n. Come back to us. And we will not use brute force.

You started laughing loudly.

{TAKE NOTE: You are not dio, This is just how you laugh, let's just say that when you laugh, it sounds like this.}

You stopped laughing, use your diamond powers to heal the scar.

You: (talking to yourself*) All of that for a drop of blood...

You now stand up.

You: So, you really want me to join you....

You now open your diamond eyes.

You: Very well... If you three beat me, then I'll join back(makes a battle post*) deal?

The three are pissed and charges at you. But before they even knew about it you instantly teleported at the back at them.

{The teleporting sound effect is at 0:24}

You slashed them at the back and and they fa for their knees, they instantly stand up. And begins to attack you. You are now getting bored, because you've seen this move before and you counter them. You punched the first one in the face. You side kick the second one and you headbutt the third one.  The three is now backing away until you swing your sword, the sword summons a shadow wave and hit the three, causing a little explosion. You are coughing and try to check if their okay. But sadly, they just vanish with no trace in sight. You stumbled in the ground, looking at a puddle. You saw your old self, your shadow assassin self. You scream in agony and punch the puddle. You sigh and stand up and decided to go home and take some rest.

{RSPBLiterature special shout out to my idol, he inspired me to make my own book and I suggest you check his profile. And to my idol, I wish that all of your dreams in life can come true and always be safe. God bless you Sir RSPBLiterature❤️❤️😁😁}

- The Author

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