Chapter 9

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At a cemetery*

It was now raining, the wind was violently strong, the skies is pitch dark and everything was in a bad shape to go outside. But it is all worth it. You are now crying many tears while you are walking. All of your memories with him was the best and everything that you know about life has started with him. He was the first person to understand you and cared for you...

(Y/F= Your friend's name)

You are now to see you're one and only friend, y/f...

You now see his tomb. You couldn't take it anymore, you cry you're eyes out, wishing he was here, wishing that he met the crystal gems, and most of all wishing that he was alive today. You now fall on your knees and covering your face with your palm

You: Y/F... (you touched his tomb softly*). I'm here, y/n. You still remember me right? All of the things we did together right? ( you chuckled*)

You: Remember when the first time we met? You stood up to those bullies and beat them up to protect me. I'll never forget that. And remember the times we play tag? I was always tired of running around...

You: y/f. Thank you. Thank you for being the first person to ever care for me. But i shall get going, it's getting pretty late. But i will always visit you.

You: And don't worry, i will keep my promise...

You now stand up, realizing that you need to get home because it was getting dark. You now leave a boquete
of flowers to his tomb before leaving.

You: Y/F...

You: Happy Birthday....

You now leave and go to your car and decided to go home...

At your house*

You just got home and decided to make some food because you are really hungry. You now make your favorite dish and sit on the dinning table. You now turn up the tv and hoping to watch anything that isn't boring. Unfortunately, there's nothing on to satisfy your mind. You keep changing the channels everytime, until something caught your attention. It's a show called " Camp Pining Hearts"

You: Hmm, Camp Pining Hearts.
Maybe this show can be interesting?

You now watch the show for about four hours you are really addicted to the show. You really want Paulette and Percy to be a couple and you shipped them a lot. And then without you noticing it. You watch all of the episodes and begging for more.

You: What?! That's it?! Come on!! Everyone knows Percy is much better than Pierre!! I swear if Paulette and Percy isn't a couple, i will totally kill Pierre with my own hands!

You: (You checked the time*) Great, it's 11 PM. (Sigh*) Guess it's time for bed.

You now switch off the lights and go to sleep...

At the morning*

You are now at Steven's house. Steven and his best friend connie are really excited about something, they just visited you at your house and grabbed your hand and dragged you at the beach house.

Steven: Alright y/n, we are going to show you something pretty cool alright. Don't panic

You: Alright jeez. I promise i won't freak out.

Steven: Connie, are you ready?

Connie: Im ready, shall we do it again? steven

Steven: Let's shall...

Then they play their music that they used to fuse. It was the "alone together" music. And they begin dancing beautifully and in sync with one another. You are astraunded, you are admiring them, not as kids but as couples.

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