Chapter 46.

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At the ancient sky arena*

It is early in the morning, the sun is rising, birds are flying on the air, the breeze of the area is cold but you didn't bother it anyway. Peridot is sitting on a giant boulder with her arms crossed. You and the crystal gems particularly garnet, amethyst, pearl and iron, look at peridot with a confused face wondering what is she up to.  Steven is still sleeping on his home.

You: Uhh, peridot can we start now?

Peridot: I thought you wouldn't ask y/n. (peridot stands up*) Before we start, do you really want to this clod?

You: Yup, I want to find out how powerful am I when I have my yashiko powers on.

Peridot: (raises an eyebrow*) Hmm, are you sure about this y/n? there's no turning back you know.

You: (nods*) One hundred percent sure.

Peridot looks at your eyes to truly see if you are determined or not. Your face has a serious expression with a small smile. Peridot thinks for a second to decide her decision and she finally done it. Peridot nods realizing you mean every word and swore you just said. She realized you will take it seriously and she is right, you are serious about this.

Peridot: (chuckles*) Good, but remember this y/n. It will not be easy.

You gulp in fear but you are up to it.

Peridot then hops down and push a wide blackboard at the back of the boulder. The blackboard has a drawing of male human body and a bunch of physical attributes between the drawing.

Peridot: I chose the most important physical attribute that a human male body should have, now.

Peridot: According to human research, the human male is physically stronger than an average human female. An average human male can properly bench press 135 pounds without prior training. So...

Peridot picks up a stick and points it at the first list of the category of physical attributes.It was strength.

Peridot: I will first examine your physical strength y/n.

You: Ok cool, so what do you want me to do?

Peridot: First I need you to lift up this boulder WITHOUT your yashiko powers, if you can of course. (pokes the boulder with her stick*)

Peridot: I have estimated the weight of this boulder on atleast 1200 lbs. Now, we will truly see how powerful you are y/n.

Peridot finished and you nodded in response. The boulder was really big, it was so big it is bigger than and taller than you. You gulped hoping to atleast move it on an inch. You remove your black jacket revealing your white t-shirt.  You started to stretch your arms and prepare yourself. You left a long sigh and started to lift the boulder. You are using all of your strength to lift the boulder and it started to move as well. In the end, you lift the boulder for only 13 seconds and dropped it since you can't take it anymore. You think on how did you atleast lift a boulder that was larger than you. What was the reason? You probably thought to yourself. But then again you are an assassin who did a lot of crazy stuffs in the past, and some of them are seemingly impossible for a human body to do so.

You: (panting*) Alright, that it peridot.  (panting*) That's all I can do, did I do good?

You rubbed your forehead, getting rid of the sweats that your body produce. You then asked peridot and peridot was rubbing her chins, examining your results that you display in front of her

Peridot: Your result... Is... Not bad... For a regular human of course, y/n.

You: Thanks.

Peridot: Now y/n, activate this "powers of your". And we will finally see how powerful you are.

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