4. Cute

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"Ikura. Okaka, Takana," (You need to change. Ijichi is too slow. You'll catch a cold.) said Inumaki determinedly, pulling open his closet and tossing out an oversized shirt and clean shorts and towel aside.

"That would do for now until Ijichi comes back up," Inumaki thought out as he piled the towels and clean clothes up.

"W-wait, what...?" Maguro stuttered as Inumaki turned and dropped her a set of clean clothes and towels before pushing her into the shower room.

His shower room.

"Shake, Ikura," (This is the hot and cold button. You can adjust it. You can use my shampoo and shower too,") Inumaki explained, pointing to the bottles and the water heater function buttons.

Before realizing that he's confined to a small space.

With her.

Feeling nervous suddenly, he quickly exited the shower room and closed the door behind him with a loud snap.

Maguro didn't have time to protest.

The cold triggered another sneeze from her.

"We take care of our own here," Inumaki thought as he stood outside of the shower, knowing she will hear him. "You'll be fine with us, Maguro."

Biting her lips, Maguro's heart gave a squeeze.

She knew just what kind of situation she has landed upon after the unfortunate massacre of her family. It was accidental – a Curse has stumbled upon her family grounds and killed everyone in it. She was the only one left alive because she was out for an errand. The moment she stepped into the Tsukigami family's grounds; the Curse latched onto her.

And being the last in line, her ancestral Cursed Techniques activated its last line of defence and manifested itself, protecting the last blood of Tsukigami.

The clan used to be in the jujutsu line of work, but for several generations, there has been no new blood and child born into the family who could see Curses. No one was born with Gifts as well. And so, their family line's jujutsu work ended just like that, and stories of their family Cursed Techniques and jujutsu days are passed on as mere legends.

But after the massacre, it turns out the Tsukigami clan's powers was the kind of power that was just asleep – until a disaster comes up.

According to Gojo sensei – who was the very Sorcerer chasing the said Curse that destroyed her family – her powers awakened upon being near a disaster. As her family members slowly dies out one by one, their supposed powers were passed on to the next person in line. And when the next person dies as well from the Curse, the powers jumped again onto the next person in line.

All the way up until her.

Gojo watches as she tries to heal her family members with a rare Reversal Cursed Technique, but they were long dead when she arrives. All she could do is heal their broken bodies and restores it back to before they bodies got dismembered by the Curse.

There were no Tsukigami survivors that day in the manor grounds of Tsukigami family. She was the only one left.

To be acknowledged as a sort of family reminds her of what she once had before the Curse took it all away from her. It gave her a sense of belonging somewhere, a place where there are people who would accept her readily despite being alone in the world.

Despite having these Cursed Technique Powers. Despite suddenly hearing people 'talk' in their thoughts.

Despite being the only survivor to a clan of 140 family members.

"Inumaki-kun, you're so kind... Thank you," Maguro said softly, closing her eyes tightly to will her tears away.

This will be her new family from now on.

Inumaki heard her soft words and smiled from behind the door.


She quickly showered and get dressed. The shampoo and shower he told her to use smelled of those commercial green tea shampoo and shower. It smelled nice.

She had to settle with wearing her bra and undies back. She reckons she would get another shower after her luggage arrives and will then wash the clothes before returning to him.

She quietly noted to herself his shirt smelled nice. It was something that she could not put into words, but probably it was just his scent.

"W-would this be alright?" she stuttered when she exited the shower. The shirt was his size, not hers, and it hang over her small frame in a rather comical way as she has seen in the mirror prior to coming out. She had to keep pushing the oversized collar from sliding down her shoulder. "I mean, don't I look like a clown?"

The blonde-haired boy smiled. Though his high collar hides his smile, she could tell from his eyes twinkling at her.

"Takana," (You look cute. I promise.) Inumaki said to her kindly with a smile. He almost wanted to chuckle when she came out of the bath just now, watching her stumbling slightly from awkwardness. He never knew that his shirt would look so oversized and cute over a girl as short as her.


To think that the college will have a student shorter than him appears here brought forth a sort of relieved feeling in him, seeing as he is surrounded by giants everywhere and he's one of the shortest male students here in the college.

And it was then Gojo sensei decided to drag a bespectacled girl and a Panda over to them. 

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