14. Casting

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The day starts out bright and beautiful. This day marks the day Maguro started to truly try to use her family's cursed techniques with the guidance of Gojo-sensei.

And Gojo-sensei's only instruction of her was to pick a song and sing.

Everyone looked at the strongest jujutsu sorcerer oddly.

"Ano na, Gojo-sensei," Maki started, miffed that the teacher still plays around during class hours. "This isn't a concert. It's class time."

"Yes!" Gojo-sensei remarked happily. "'And this technique only applies to our very own Tsukigami-kun's Tsukigami clan's technique, the Casting. You have read the book I passed to you the other day, ne?"

Maguro nodded. Gojo-sensei indeed had passed her an old book listing of the techniques and abilities each jujutsu family ever had. Even Inumaki's family clan technique is listed there. "I've read them all. There's a few listed under the Tsukigami's technique, but I'm not sure if I do have those now."

"You do, you do," Gojo-sensei replied her ecstatically. "You have them now. You just don't know how to use them yet. Plus, you're not in the exact situation to require some of them to work, so they won't manifest until the time is right."

"Situation?" Panda piped in, his beady eyes switching between watching Maguro's reaction and Gojo-sensei's excited looks. "Was she too safe here, so it doesn't manifest? Like Yuuta's curse?"

"Exactly! Exactly!" Gojo-sensei snapped his finger towards Panda. "Yuuta's version would require a trigger in order for Rika to appear. But Maguro's version would just require her to know how it works in theory and manifest them out by thoughts alone. If she can practice here, she'll be able to join the rest of you on your missions anytime."

Out of courtesy, she did not investigate Gojo-sensei's family technique. Not sure if they will count her as stupid or dumb for not digging more into Gojo-sensei, but she felt terribly guilty when she felt the temptation to read up on his family.

So when the page comes to the Gojo family's techniques, she quickly flipped them to the other pages.

Though, her fingers does linger on the Snake and Fang seal mark drawn on the page of that book. It was a mesmerizing image to stare at for hours.

Her eyes glanced up at Inumaki, imagining herself watching the Snake and Fang seal mark on his face.

His eyes were focused on her the entire time.

Balking, Maguro quickly looked down, feeling a heat creeping up her neck in response.

"Great! We'll start with the basic of all basics – Casting curses. Yours is plenty useful. Over time, you will be able to use it for battle and support your teammates. For now, we'll stick to barrier. The rest of you, you can either continue your sparring's, or watch quietly."

Maguro nodded her head. "I'll do my best, Gojo-sensei," she said determinedly, taking deep breaths to prepare her body for what was to come next.

Gojo-sensei smiled. "You always do, ne?" he said quietly, patting her head fondly. He has seen her improvements and her determination to learn jujutsu. They are still in springtime, but she could already heal her teammates with Reverse Curse Technique.

And notably most often of them all will be Inumaki. 

Don't know what has gotten into the boy lately, but he took it upon himself to use his Cursed Speech more often than usual. For small things be it opening doors, stopping insects from crawling, towards Panda, during training itself when he usually doesn't even use it and towards a wide sort of other variety of things he could command with his speech.

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