54. Meatballs

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The Fire Wolf came right up towards them and uses one of its tails to swipe Maguro's hair from her face. "Lady, are you alright?"

Nishimiya Momo gave a small scream upon seeing the Fire Wolf. She's afraid of all four legged creatures. Nobody paid heed on her small scream. After all, it wasn't every time you get to see a tailed guardian strutting around the school's compound, more so a Fire Wolf at that.

The Fire Wolf snorted into Maguro's hair upon hearing the scream. "Looks like something happened along the way."

"Akihiko," Maguro's eyes brightened upon seeing her Fire Wolf appear to her. Akihiko nudged her head with its snout and gave a few sniffs to sniff out any signs of injuries on her. Sensing none, the wolf left her hair alone.

One hand reaching up to squeeze its tail to her cheeks lightly, Maguro replied to Akihiko, glad that the beast was alright amidst the sorcerer's fights. "Yes, I'm good. Are you alright? What happened to the rest?"

"Everyone from Tokyo is here. The two girls are napping while waiting for you. The Fushiguro boy had a parasite. Sent it to hell. Barely alive, but otherwise, fine."

"Fushiguro?" Maguro snapped her neck back up at Akihiko. Inumaki pursed his lips. He knew where this is going. "Fushiguro Megumi?"

Akihiko narrowed its amber eyes and answered, "I believe that's what his teammates called him, yes."

She pushed the Fire Wolf unceremoniously to the side and looked around, and it was then her eyes fell on Fushiguro.

"Me-Megumi? Fushiguro Megumi," Maguro called, her eyes wide with worry at the sight of the battered Maki and Fushiguro. Between them, Fushiguro looked so pale that for a second, Maguro thought he's dead. Were it not for Itadori talking to him animatedly, she would have really thought that her favourite chef has gone up to another world.

Reaching out one hand towards him sitting under a tree, Maguro called out again to Fushiguro. He opened his eyes and looked up. "Ah, Maguro-senpai," he called her with a weak smile.

Inumaki rushed towards Fushiguro and knelt with Maguro safely cradled still in his arms.

"Ikura?" (Are you alright?) Inumaki said together with Maguro.

"Are you alright?" the Barrier User straight up launched into worry mode, her small hands patting down his arm and ribs for any signs of more severe underlying injuries. "Are you in pain? Oh, what happened?"

"Stuff," Fushiguro answered her, shrugging a shoulder. "I'm good. Just a bit annoyed with the parasite just now. Your spirit beast there burned it to a crisp. Convenient to have around. But I still feel a little crappy. Any idea if you can heal me? And why do you call me by my first name?"

"Okaka," Inumaki shakes his head at Fushiguro. He seems to get the message that now is not the time to ask questions and piped down his next question to her for later.

But the explanation for her calling him by his first name came in the form of what she said next.

"Meat- Meatballs," Maguro said sadly, tears gathering in her eyes sadly as it slides down her cheeks from watching how weak Fushiguro is now. Inumaki has released her from his arms and now she knelt in front of Fushiguro.

Both her hands are on his legs, shaking him sadly. He looked as if he's dying.

Inumaki hides his chuckle. He thought she looked like a puppy asking for treats, with both paws on Fushiguro's legs.

She hiccupped sadly and continued. "Meat- meatballs tonight, M-Megumi. You can't die now, Megumiiii~"

Inumaki looked towards Fushiguro and sweat dropped. It was food that made her prioritized Fushiguro. Panda hummed, giving no comment on the situation. They should know that Maguro is a foodie. She'd naturally prioritize those who can cook well.

Fushiguro wanted to chuckle, but the pain had started to radiate from where the parasite was burnt just now. "Okay, okay," Fushiguro nodded his head. "I get it already, Maguro-senpai. Meatballs tonight then."

"Really?" Maguro hiccupped, tears falling sadly.

Fushiguro nodded his head weakly. "Ah. I'll make it a hotpot."

Maguro's bottom lips wobbled. She really didn't want him to go so soon. Flaring her Reverse Cursed Technique on her hand, she gingerly places her hand on his stomach – like a puppy again – putting its paw on their owner asking for a treat. "Meat- meatballs. Hotpot meatballs tonight?" she continued in an albeit out of tuned voice, turning into a blocked-nose voice with all the crying she had done.

Fushiguro smiled as he felt the warmth from her jutsu flows into him, healing him and taking the pain away. "Yes. Meatballs tonight. I promise."

Maguro sniffed and hold in an incoming wail she felt threatening to erupt from within her lungs, tears fell in big droplets onto Fushiguro's pants.

He sighed and smiled at Inumaki, who quietly chuckles back to him . Inumaki would have to agree with Fushiguro in their silent exchange – Maguro can be so cute in her own way sometimes.

"We're gonna be alright with you here, Maguro-senpai. You're a great help," Fushiguro said to her and places one heavy hand on top of her head, quietly marvelling at how small her head feels in his hand.

Touched by what Fushiguro said, Maguro's wail burst out.

But before the first note of "Uwaaaa~!" drag out long enough for the rest to realize, someone hopped to the spot right next to Fushiguro and bumped him on his shoulder.

Surprised, Maguro halted her wail of sadness and looked up.

And in came Itadori Yuuji into her vision.

"Oi, that was my recipe, Fushiguro," Itadori joined in, squatting beside Fushiguro to watch the golden glow work its way into his stomach's injury. He has never seen this sort of glow before, and it fascinates him to no end. Sukuna was watching quietly too from an eye he had conjured on Itadori's neck. The pink haired jujutsu sorcerer nudged Fushiguro on the arm with his elbow and chuckled, "Took you ages to learnt them though."

Fushiguro nodded his head, resigned with his fate, and just lets Itadori yap away. They'll know about it sooner or later anyway. "He taught me that recipe. Yes, he had to write it down on a piece of paper for me, but I memorized it and followed it. Brings us comfort to know that in his 'death' he still could leave us with something useful and delicious."

Itadori heard the emphasize in his words. That started his whine all over again. "Fushiguroooo," Itadori whimpered. "We've been over this a few times already-"

"And I would still bring it up again, so quit it."

Akihiko sighed. "Back to the married couple mode again. What is it with you kids now? Real man settles an argument with fights!"

Fushiguro and Itadori continues to mouth each other off in a quieter tone despite the naggings from the Fire Wolf.

But all Inumaki Toge needs to do is to just rub his Snake and Fang mark on each side of his cheeks with his fingers for them to pipe back down. 

A/N: Looove all the comments in the previous chappies, and all the other previous chappies. Heart you all. I really appreciate it. Whenever I feel down, I would just look back up the chapter's comments. Instantly made my day :)

Take care there, wherever you are in the world. <3

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