31. Kyoto Brawl

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By the time they arrived where the First Years are, the Kyoto students have already started their assaults on them. There was a loud crash ahead, sounding as if part of the building was being demolished. 

Maguro gritted her teeth furiously.

"Looks like Aoi Todo and Mai," Maki said, eyes narrowing at the sight of the fight. She had initially wanted to stood by and watch what the First Years could do, but then remembered they don't have their weapons with them right now.

Damn them Kyoto students.

"How dare they," she whispered furiously, watching as Nobara was attacked at the Vending Machine area whilst Fushiguro got forced up to the roof by a bulky giant. "Are they picking a fight with us?"

"They do that," Panda spoke from behind her. "For fun, most of the time. They enjoy picking at us."

Maki snickered. "Didn't see them picking at us when Yuuta is here. Clearly, they're just mocking our us by attacking the weakest."

"Toge," Panda called, looking up at the roof area. Fushiguro was being beaten mercilessly by Aoi. They need to interfere now. "Our First-Year kids need our help."

Inumaki nodded his head in acknowledgement, rolling up his sleeves and said, "Shake."

Turning towards Maguro, Inumaki said in his thoughts, "I'm going up with Panda. Stay here. We'll be back in a while," and hopped up the roof with Panda in tow.

There wasn't even enough time for her to protest before the two of them swiftly disappears up the building. Maguro pouted after he left, mumbling, "I want to follow you..."

"Nobara won't be in much trouble with injuries," Maki said with a confident smile, taking out her weapons from the bag left behind by Panda. "You should go up to Fushiguro. I doubt the boy will come back in pristine condition, not when his opponent is that airhead Aoi Todo."

With that, Maki speeds up towards the Vending Machine area, leaving Maguro behind to watch the scene unfold, intending to settle the score with her twin sister. Following Maki's advice, Maguro went up ahead to the roof by climbing the various pipes, poles, and stairs.

And Maguro being Maguro, she slipped right off the moss-covered stone lantern like the Tuna she is.

Her scream got stuck in her throat. It all happened so quickly. She was skipping just nicely up towards the building where the fight is happening right now, and the next thing she knew, she had slipped and fell from the height of a few floors' worth of building towards the ground, looking right up the wide blue sky.

There was nothing to grab, and no one near her.

She would most probably break her neck and die.

In the span of few seconds, she had thought of calling Inumaki, but immediately stopped that thought and slapped her hands over her mouth. There was no time to save her. She's already falling, and by the time he responded, she could have very well broken her neck and died.

And if the connection between them is open, he will feel everything she feels upon her death.

He would suffer.

Maguro sobbed in panic, her hands flailing around to try and catch onto whatever that is around to slow her fall. But there was nothing around the building, and the nearest tree was just too far away. Tears welled in her eyes and quickly disappear as the wind from her fall brushes it off her face.

Closing her eyes, Maguro silently prayed to whatever kami is up there in the skies or underground to save her. Save her, because she is the last of her clan. Save her, because she could not die now.

Save her, because she loves him, and she wanted to love him more than everything the world has to offer to him in his quiet life.

Unbeknownst to even herself, something inside her shadow stirred. Something that she never knew existed until she is in imminent danger.

In her moment of panic, she closes her eyes and wished for someone to save her.

She felt something brush past her, and everything went dark.

xx__xxx__DESTINED TO COLLIDE__xxx__xx

"You're always so boring!" Todo said, releasing a punch in the air as he concentrated the rest of his energy into his fist. He's going to punch the daylight out of Fushiguro, and he's going to make him snap and upgrade himself. Yes, that's what going to happen. It's going to be a good fight if Fushiguro can just man up and fight him heads on with his full powers.

"I barely feel any intention to fight," the Kyoto Third Year student said, shaking off the toad's tongue as if it weighted nothing on his wrists.

Fushiguro sat back up, sighing as he felt pain radiated all over his body. Todo really don't hold back despite knowing he's a First Year. If he is any other students on the campus facing Todo, they would have died. He smirked sullenly. Todo would love Itadori were he still alive.

"I've been holding back," he wheezed, concentrating on building his Cursed Energy around his core. "-and you're so proud?" Sitting on the balls of his foot, Fushiguro directed his Cursed Energy around his hands and prepare to call upon the technique he had yet to show anyone else apart from Gojo-sensei. "If you're going to insist like that, then I'll show you."

Todo's smile widens in delight. "Bring it!"

A hand slapped on Fushiguro's shoulder, stopping him from pulling out his skills. Then...

"Don't move."

Todo instantly felt the binds of powers holding him back right on his foot despite him putting forth all of his energy into his punch. His eyeballs looked up.

Damnit, he thought to himself. It's the Cursed Speech User, Inumaki Toge. He didn't expect he would be here.

A blur of black and white shoots up from behind Inumaki and shouted, "What are you two doing!?"

Punching the floor between Todo and Fushiguro, Panda immediately puts a distance between the Kyoto Third Year student and them. Afterall, they don't get along. Ever. "Whew, just barely safe."

"Okaka," Inumaki said, zipping up his high collar.

The brawl between Fushiguro was settled when Todo just suddenly up and about packed and gets ready to leave. After he left a message for them to ask Yuuta Okkotsu to attend the competition, Panda and Inumaki watches him leave with an unreadable expression on their face.

It was annoying enough to cater them here, let alone to be their messenger sporty boys. That's not going to happen in their own turf in Tokyo.

Just then, a leaping white beast came galloping up seemingly through stepping thin air up from the ground and lands down with a light thud on the wooden floor. Everyone was surprised by the appearance of the beast, reverting back to their defense stance immediately.

The beast is magnificently massive. Silvery white fur with swirls of fire-like pattern decorated its body and tail, with a fire emblem marking on its forehead. The sight of the wolf reminds Inumaki of a painting he saw before in a folklore book. It looked almost similar to what Amaterasu would look like in her wolf form.

"I would appreciate it if my granddaughter is well taken care of instead of being left behind, young ones," the wolf said, golden eyes glaring at the three Tokyo students staring flabbergasted at the beast.

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