30. Toge's Sweets

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"Come here," Inumaki said, extending one hand out for Maguro to hold onto when she comes barrelling into his arms from his command.

This is the time he has been waiting for. To test out Maguro's Nullifying powers, and to test out if she could break free from his Cursed Speech hold on her were she to Nullify him while under his power.

As expected, Maguro came rushing towards him, almost as if she was pulled by an invisible force towards the Cursed Speech user who had commanded her to him. It felt as if she is an out-of-control car about to ram into someone.

More like ram straight into Inumaki's waiting arms.

He extended both arms out to catch her when she came flying into his arms.

"Got you," he said to her through his thoughts, patting her head gently to sooth her. She did not expect his power's command to be so immediate, judging by how surprised she looked when she practically crashes into his arms. He got a hold of her as she held onto his arms for support. It must have been a scary experience for her. "I got you, Maguro. Don't be scared. I got you."

Maguro looked up at him with her eyes wide, her heart beating fast in her body. This was unexpected. She didn't know his command was instant and didn't know that it was something that must be and will be complied immediately rather than slowly.

When he said, 'Come here', it really meant 'Come here now.'

"T-Toge-kun," Maguro stuttered, still very much surprised by the sudden sensation of having been pulled towards him at that speed. "That...that was a little scary."

He held her in his arms for a while, allowing her time to calm down before releasing her reluctantly. She leaned into him and rested her head on his chest, right above where his heart is.

Hearing his heartbeat calms her down.

Panda and Maki clapped from the sidelines.

"Good one, Maguro," Maki said, impressed with her Nullifying powers. "Good one. I supposed Toge won't have to go around talking in onigiri ingredients anymore with you around him."

"That won't do," Maguro replied, patting Inumaki's chest affectionately. "I could Nullify him whenever we are in the school's compound, but it would be dangerous for him to be Nullified whenever he's around me. Things could happen, and as a Jujutsu Sorcerer with his powers Nullified, he could be in danger anytime."

"I don't want Toge-kun to get hurt because of my powers," Maguro looked up at Inumaki and smiles at him.

"Shake," Inumaki nodded his head in agreement, patting her head softly. He looked towards Maki and Panda, then pointed to his throat.

"At your limit already, Toge?" Maki asked, her voice tinged with concern. She had worked with Inumaki on various occasions alongside Panda and knew that the Cursed Speech user often get sore throat whenever he used too much of his Cursed Speech powers.

He shakes his head.

"He's just thirsty," Maguro said, looking up at him affectionately with a smile. "Maybe we can take a rest for a while before we continue training. Or maybe lunch at that as well."

"You're hungry already?" Inumaki asked her in his thought, both eyebrows raised in question. Maguro merely smiled and nodded her head.

"A little," she said self-consciously. "Everything is digested and used up for that training just now."

"Here," Inumaki reached into his pocket and offered a lollipop to her. It was Lychee flavour. "You can have this."

Maguro squealed in delight.

That exchange did not go unnoticed by Maki and Panda.

They smirked to themselves but decided to keep it going for as long as they could. It was obvious isn't it? That they were official.

Inumaki Toge is nice, and is considered to be among the strongest and most respected jujutsu student outside of and Hakari. But he never once offered anyone his lollipops to anyone else before. Though he used to indulge in cough syrups whenever he used his Cursed Speech, but during endurance training, he rarely uses his abilities, and whenever it was endurance training, he will indulge in sweets.

To offer Maguro his sweets? That was unheard of.

Obviously, she is special to him.

Panda and Maki eyed each other and snickered. They wanted to see which one of them are the type to hide their relationship from public eyes and how long it'll take before they say something about their relationship.

"Oi First Years, go get some drinks from the vending machine," Maki ordered Fushiguro and Nobara, the latter's eyes shined with newfound strength after being ploughed thoroughly by Panda mercilessly. And out of all the attempts made today, she only managed to land once perfectly before stumbling and falling back to the grass. This order from their senpais came just at the right timing.

"Let's go back to the Halls there. The shades there should be very lovely against this summer heat," Maguro suggested. Everyone agreed, and the First Years went off to get drinks from the vending machine for their lunch.

"Okaka," (We could have gone with them,) Inumaki said. Maguro looked up at Inumaki and smiled knowingly.

"It's just drinks. Vending machine area is alright," Maguro replied with a smile. But Panda was not convinced.

For good reason.

"Will they be alright?" Panda asked worriedly. Though it is a simple errand, and they are within the school's compound, they are indeed alone and away from their seniors. Should anything happen to them...

"Shake," (Yes, I'm a little worried as well,) Inumaki pipped in. Maguro inclined her head in confuse. The Tokyo Metropolitan Technique College is a very safe place. What are they worried about?

Maki sighed, annoyed with their Big Brother attitude. "They're not three years old. They can handle an errand run."

"No, that's not what I meant. It's today, isn't it?" Panda said. The atmosphere becomes tense in the matter of seconds.

It was then Maki remembered. Yes. Today is the day.

The dreaded visit day.

"Kyoto's President is coming today. To go over the exchange event."

"Tuna," (It's an event that's held once a year. Panda explained earlier. But there's beef between Gojo-sensei and their President because of the Itadori Yuuji's death...)

"The First-Year boy," Maguro said as she was reminded of the day Ieiri-sensei informed of that news. Panda nodded.

Just then, Maguro's heart gave a sudden lurch, akin to her heart sinking into her stomach. It wasn't a pleasant feeling.

And it felt like a warning of sort.

But what warning?

She looked up, only to find Inumaki looking at her with concern.

Oh, she thought to herself. He must have heard my thoughts.

He nodded, confirming her thoughts.

"Takana?" (What's wrong?) Inumaki spoke, tilting his head down towards her. "Is everything alright?"

"Something's wrong," Maguro said gravely, looking towards the direction where Fushiguro and Nobara are at. They are supposed to get them drinks and meet up with the rest of them at the training grounds. "Something felt very wrong."

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