10. Lovely Voice

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Halfway through watching them spar, Inumaki stopped his training with Panda when Maki came up onto them. Maguro saw them talking to each other and nodding heads, before the platinum blonde boy gave Maki a thumbs up and waved.

And started to walk up the hill towards her.

Strangely, Maguro's heart begun to pound.

Inumaki is really handsome – bordering on beautiful if she could say so herself. His striking violet-coloured eyes really did not help the situation when she could feel her neck heats up whenever Inumaki watches her or glanced at her.

Imagine if he were to lower down his collar more – Maguro nearly salivated.

The boy really looked too good.

Days earlier, he had called her a Godsent when he found out she could converse with him via thoughts.

Godsent huh? Maguro mused to herself as he approaches her, watching him using his arm to wipe his sweat from his forehead. She couldn't help but to look at him up and down. Godsent indeed.

"What Godsent?" Inumaki asked her. She almost choked on her own saliva when she realises, she has been drooling on him.

"N-Nothing. Just suddenly thought about that word Godsent. Nothing. Nothing at all," Maguro stuttered, looking at everywhere else but him.

Inumaki didn't think too much of it and sat down on the grass, laying back with a sigh and landing his head right next to Maguro's thigh. He opened his eyes and looked up at the sky, glancing over at Maguro while at it.

"Ikura, Tuna?" (What time does your next class starts, Maguro?) Inumaki probed. If she will be late, he'll probably get something from the cafeteria for her.

He knew her schedule is different from the rest of them, and he had heard what Gojo-sensei had told her earlier regarding her upcoming first class with Shoko Ieiri. Her days would end later than the rest of them with the two teachers by her side. Though they can cook in their room, the cafeteria remains open for them students whenever they needed meals.

Tokyo Metropolitan Technical School is the best. Unlike their sister school at Kyoto, Inumaki heard they don't get the same treatment towards meals at the cafeteria. He suspected this was probably Gojo-sensei's doing, seeing as he does come back from his business overseas at odd hours.

"In about an hour's time," Maguro answer back, looking down into his violet eyes. "I'll probably head on to Shoko-sensei's class a little earlier. I'll definitely get lost somewhere and that'll make me late. I still need some time to get used to the landmarks after all."

Inumaki's eyes never strayed from her face. Those violet pools look so pretty. Has anyone ever told him that before?

"I'll go with you then," Inumaki offered. "Our class ends soon anyway. I need to get my throat medicine from Shoko. We're on the same path," he told her, placing one hand underneath his head and closes his eyes. "Let me rest for a bit before we go."

Maguro finds herself staring at Inumaki. There is a soft breeze picking up, and underneath the shade of the tree, the wind felt pleasantly cool, ruffling Inumaki's hair fondly.

It was as if her hand had a mind of its own. She reached out towards him and lightly brushed aside his bangs, tapping on his nose after that.

"Did anyone ever told you how lovely your voice is, Inumaki-kun?" Maguro started, not quite aware of what she is asking as she continue to dazedly watch the off-white haired boy resting beside her.

Inumaki's eyes flew open in surprise. Maguro balked. She didn't realize she had voiced her thoughts out loud. Wait, did she really say that out loud?

He looked up at her.

"Yes," the platinum blonde boy lying next to her answered quietly. "I heard that out loud."

Shit. Not just out loud, but in mind loud too.

Well, cat is out of the bag now. No point hiding the truth from him anyway.

Maguro smiled awkwardly at him upside down from above where he was lying next to her and laughed, "You don't have to answer that. It is just a rhetoric question. I do tend to speak my mind from time to time. Sorry about that."

Inumaki continued to stare up at her. She likes his voice. Never had anyone told him that, considering the fact that he couldn't speak freely from being bound by his family's cursed technique since birth, the Snake and Fang seal.

No one had ever told him that.

"You are the only one," Inumaki added, his eyes still on her face, admiring the way she is looking at him now, as if he is the only one in her eyes. "You are the only one to ever tell me that, Maguro."

Maguro's smile faltered. How had this boy survived without talking like a normal person? It must have pained him to not be able to express his joy and his wants freely, all the while watching his friends talk happily without being able to join in the conversation.

"I'm alright, Maguro," Inumaki assured her when he saw her smile wavered. Lifting one of his hands up, he brushed Maguro's cheeks, just at the corner of her mouth in hopes to see her smile again. "I'm used to it. It's alright."

That worked. "Rest then, Inumaki-kun," Maguro added with a smile. "I'll wake you up when its time." 

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