37. Tokyo-Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event (i)

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Hello everyone! Apologies for the long break. I got writer's block going on and work...well work is work. 

To taerish_kim127, thank you for your kind wishes. I'm all good here. Nothing's permanant with the Covid+ months back. Sometimes I wondered if the diagnosis was even correct in the first place. Haha! I couldn't reply from the profile page coz it doesn't pop up there. Don't know what happened, but hey, thanks for checking up. I'm good. Hope everything is good on your side too. 

So Covid is no joke. Get yourself vaccinated so the effects are lesser (I got 1st dose done before I got positive.) Protect yourselves and your family. It is times like these we need to care more about our families. 

Thank you for the support on this story <3 Enjoy~

In the end, Itadori felt bad about the forgotten snacks and offered to make everyone dinner later.

And Fushiguro pipped in.

"He's the one with the meatball recipe you guys ate the other day," Fushiguro said, nudging Itadori's arm with his elbow. "This guy's good at making meals despite how he looked."

"Hey, Fushiguro, that's mean," Itadori upturned his mouth sadly and showed puppy eyes at the lot of them. "I just came back, you know. It hurts to hear my friend say that to me."

From behind him, Nobara cracked her knuckles up. "And ya think we don't, eh?" Dark cursed energy rising out from behind her and lit her eyes in scorching bright flames as she advances towards the pink-haired zombie. "Ya deadass decided to come back to life and only let us know months after you're back?! Ya better explain this shit!"

It was only after Gojo-sensei interfered with their bickering, the team decided to make things serious. As from here on marks the beginning of the It will be held over two days' time and the first of the event is always and always – a Group Battle.

The Wacky Cursed Spirit Exorcism Race. That's what it's called.

Principal Yaga grabbed Gojo Satoru nonchalantly and begun to wrestle his arm behind his back. Then, he started on the rules.

"The rules are simple. The first team to exorcist the second-grade curse wins. And if a winner is not decided by sundown, the team that exorcists the most wins. As simple as that. There are absolutely no other rules. Of course, you are welcomed to sabotage the other team in any way you could think of."

"But I must remind you one thing; You're all on the same side in the fight against curses," the Principal continued to wrestle Gojo with both his arms, gripping him tighter as Gojo started to pat his back, showing a sort of silent plea for mercy. "This exchange event will allow you to learn about yourselves and your comrades through competition. Be certain not to kill other competitors or injure them beyond recovery."

Iori Utahime giggled openly, pleased at the sight of a Gojo Satoru in pain.

"That's it!" Principal Yaga threw Gojo off from him and brushes off non-existent dirt off his uniform, ignoring the coughing Gojo currently pointing a shaky finger at him, muttering promises of revenge later. "You are all dismissed until the event commences at noon."

The rest of the Kyoto students quickly dispersed to their respective waiting lounge while the Tokyo students slowly ambling towards their own waiting lounge. Literally, it's separated from each other in a way that one is on the west side of the building, and the other is on the east side of the building.

"So get going, Maguro-chan," Panda said to Maguro, doing a shooing-motion with his paw. Maguro had long finished her lollipop and happily wishes Inumaki and the rest success in this competition. "Or Shoko will get our asses if you sneak in."

"You don't have to do mention that, Panda," Maguro replied to him, glancing behind her where the Kyoto and Tokyo's Principals staring at her coldly, as if to warn her off any bright ideas. "I don't think I can force myself to join Tokyo group in the battle even if I wanted to. The monsters behind me would personally drag me to hell if I did, not Ieiri-sensei."

Principal Yaga heard what she said and come squeezing one arm around her neck.

"What did ja say, girl?" the burly Principal growled menacingly. "Monsters?!" Maguro only laughed, showing not an ounce of fear for the giant Principal.

"I'm sorry, Yaga-Gakuchou," Maguro patted his arm with a smile. "I'll behave, I'll behave. I swear!"

"You said that 3 times already," Principal Yaga lets go of her with a pat on her head. In his own way, he dotes on the students. Afterall, there were not many students around that learnt the jujutsu way, more so survive to graduation. Each student is dear to him. "Keep your promise next time."

"I will, Yaga-Gakuchou," the girl smiled. Principal Yaga merely scoffed at her bright smile before turning around and said, "Be up at the monitoring room before the start of the event, Tsukigami. There's snacks there." Without waiting for a reply, the Principle of Tokyo Jujutsu High walked up ahead to the monitoring room with Principal Gakuganji.

He hoped the snacks can make up to what Gojo failed to fulfil for the students.

Maguro smiled brightly, but remained with the team instead of hurrying up to where the snacks is.

Panda blinked his beady eyes at her. "You don't go up now?"

"I'm allowed a certain leeway with this white uniform-" she said, plucking her white uniform proudly at them. "So that means I can join you guys till right before the event starts. I just need to be back there in the monitoring room before then."

Inumaki looked at her and smiled widely from behind his high collar. She loves food more than anything else in the world. He knew that, and yet when presented with the option that there's snacks prepared in the monitoring room, she choose to be with them until the event starts.

More time with me then, he thought out to Maguro with a twinkle in his eyes, loving how sweet she is to him.

Maguro pursed her lips and smiled shyly as the Cursed Speech User hooked his pinky finger with hers, causing the tips of her ears starting to glow pink. How did he know?

"M-more time with you, yes."

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