17. Hungry

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After much pestering from her, Inumaki finally admitted to her that she is the first girl he ever invited to his room.

And no. Not even Maki has been to his room. She has never stepped foot into his room before, nor has she visited. There was no reason to anyway.

Strangely, she felt pleased.

He pulled up his high collar to his eyes to cover his hot face.

Maguro laughed. Today she found a new aspect of Inumaki.

He can be so cute at times.


Knocking on her next-door neighbour's door, Maguro stood there awkwardly, shuffling in her slippers. This was a vast different situation compared to her laughing at Inumaki openly just now.

Maguro was initially too shy to agree to Inumaki's suggestion. She couldn't imagine herself sleeping in one room with him, for fear that her heart would pound so hard it'll be in danger of bursting in her chest.

Just like how she was with him every time he gets close to her. Too pretty, she thought to herself. He is too beautiful. Well, not as if her heart doesn't start its rhythmic hard pounding whenever she sees Inumaki not in his uniform without his high collar hiding that gorgeous lips-

"Maguro?" Inumaki called her in his thought. "Come in. I'm just pulling out the futon for later."

"T-then, sorry for intruding," Maguro greeted at the doorway, holding onto her fluffy pillow wearing a loose t-shirt and shorts to sleep in his room tonight.

Inumaki smiled when he sees her in that T-shirt.

They were dog-paw printed shirt.

Cute, Inumaki thought to himself quietly. So cute.

"Ikura," (Pass me your pillow. I'll set them on the bed for later) Inumaki said to her with one hand outstretched. Maguro meekly gave him her pillow as he requested.

"Sorry for this, Inumaki-kun," Maguro apologized again, feeling she was intruding onto his personal space – namely, his room. She felt out of place there and had half a mind to run back to her room and shut herself there in embarrassment forever.

But upon feeling how cool his room feels compared to hers, she decided to bite it down and stay.

Being in front of Inumaki right now suddenly made her shyness increased by ten folds.

Maguro looked up at Inumaki – and closed her eyes quickly. He didn't wear his high collar!!

"It's alright, Maguro," the Cursed Speech User said to her, opening his mouth mimicking talks, his seal on his tongue showing slightly each time he moves his mouth. "I'm good with you here."

Good with me here? Maguro thought to herself. Snapping her neck up, Maguro's eyes widened at Inumaki and blurted out a "Eh?"

When he realizes what he just said, it was too late. He already felt the hot blush slowly smoking his ears out. "I mean- I mean it's nice that you're here." Maguro's eyes widened to another degree and tilted her head. "No! No that came out wrong," Inumaki corrected quickly, smacking a hand to his ear to hide the redness there. "It's- I mean- I'm glad I could help out- no wait that sounds wrong too-"

He begun to cover both ears with his hands. Sometime somewhere when he was young, someone told him that if he were to tell a lie or accidentally humiliated himself in public, his ears would turn red and give himself out. To avoid that, he needs to cover his ears.

He did that until now.

Up until Maguro places both of her hands on his cheeks did that instantly silences his rambling thoughts.

He looked down at her. She wasn't really, really short. Just around half a head shorter than him. Perfect height, he would say, if someone were to ask him someday. She'd settle just nice in his embrace. She smiled and said to him sheepishly, "Thank you, Inumaki-kun. You're so sweet."

Tip toeing, she kisses Inumaki on his cheek.

It was supposed to be a romantic moment or so. Inumaki could feel his heart did a flip and dropped into his stomach, while a heat crept up his neck when Maguro tiptoed up. He forgot he wasn't wearing his high collar when he's in his room.

For a moment there, he thought she was going for his lips.

He didn't know what he was doing. The moment was just there – Maguro looking up at him, both her hands still on his cheek, and his hands covering his ears. He slides both his hands down and held her hands on his cheeks instead.

Leaning down, his nose brushes hers softly. It was a moment that he never knew would come so soon. Sure, he liked her. Adored her, even. But does she feel the same towards him?

A comment about him being cute – does it count?

It was then a loud stomach growling sound escaped from Maguro.

The moment was shattered. Inumaki raised both eyebrows this time.

"You hungry?" Inumaki asked with a tilt of his head. For a moment, Maguro admired him when he does this. He looks mighty cute when he does that, more so without his high collar!

"I-I..." Maguro stuttered, ashamed about the sound her stomach made. It wasn't something she can control, but still... "I'm sorry. I haven't had dinner yet...Was just about to...cook..." Maguro said to him shyly, her hand quickly slides down from his cheeks and slapped on her stomach, rubbing her empty tummy as she felt it gave out another growl.

As if she could pacify it with her hand.

Inumaki smiled. He left her standing there for a while before he took out one candy from a jar nearby.

"Eat this first to stave off the hunger for a while. I'll make dinner," he said to her kindly, unwrapping the candy wrapper and fed the candy to her.

"Let me help. It'll be faster that way," Maguro offered, and before Inumaki could decline her offer, his stomach gave out a hungry growl.

Maguro looked up at him.

He smiled awkwardly.

"Sure. I'm hungry too," he said to her, smiling freely at her. She laughed. Going towards the jar of candy, she fished out one and unwrapped the candy wrapper for him just the same way he had done for her.

"For you then, Inumaki-kun," Maguro said to him, dropping the candy into his open mouth. "Let's cook."

"Thank you, Maguro-chan," Inumaki smiled contentedly. With her, there is no need for restriction. He could just be himself.

Because she hears him. 

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