69. Girls Talk

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A/N: Happy Labour's Day~ Look at that picture! The colour and art is beautiful! I think the artist is lanshecha. 

So there's this particular reader that asked me why do I feel so entitled when people asked me things they can google, such as vaccine. We can talk about Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo Satoru, but why ask me things that you can google? To think I used to leave that one be when they threatened to 'sue' me on a supposed 'joke' all because of the cliffhanger in Chapter 67. 

That was the major reason why I took so long to update. It annoyed me that people would go so far for a joke just to, what? Make authors tremble in their seats? 

Well, it certainly didn't have that effect on me. Rather, I was more angry that threats are issued. 

So I took my time to write. But whenever I was reminded on that annoying childish threat, I stopped writing and chill on some other anime. This took so many weeks, so see, Salum1--37, you have indirectly caused the delay. 

I treasure all my reader's comments. I love their supports, and I love the responds. But from now on, I wouldn't keep toxic and shit comments like that in this story anymore. It wasn't worth the delays, and it wasn't worth my time. If I happened to see any negative ones I would just delete them.

Thank you all for reading my rant. Please enjoy this chapter and wait patiently for me to upload another chapter tomorrow. 

Much love, Author. 

"So, you guys have kissed, right?" Nobara asked out of the blue, splashing a little condensed ice water from the glass she was using at her.

Maguro sputtered violently halfway through her water.

The boys and Panda have decided to go to the sauna room to loosen up before tomorrow's event, leaving the girls to lounge on their own in the lounge room, snacking on the pile of chocolate and sweets Gojo-sensei have bought over for them. He had apparently moved whatever that is left from the monitoring room to where the students stay, so they can all share some of the things Maguro had tried while the Event is running earlier that day.

Maki and Panda had decided to join them after all for dinner. While Panda joined the boys in the sauna room, Maki changed into her pajamas after their dinner and shower. They were watching some anime on the big screen with snacks, and Nobara felt bored of it before her eyes landed on the cutely dressed Maguro in her rabbit headband and an oversized tee.

She bet good money that the shirt is Inumaki's shirt, before launching into her million-dollar question.

Coughing into the napkin she had snatched from the table, Maguro felt the burning feeling of water entering her nose, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

"My, my, look at you Maguro," Maki grinned at the sputtering Tsukigami and patted her back to help ease up some of the cough. "It's just one question. Don't have to be so surprised."

"W-What?!" Maguro wheezed, wiping her burning nose from the water that leaked out. "What's with that, Nobara?"

Being the only three girls in the campus in Tokyo, the girls got close quickly.

And this means Nobara and Maki had free full access to tease Maguro whenever Inumaki is not around her.

"Spill, Maguro," Nobara grinned widely at her. "Come on! None of us got kissed by boys before. So come on! Give us something to look forward to!"

Maguro got flustered. It wasn't that she was embarrassed being caught in a relationship with Inumaki Toge, the heir to the Inumaki clan. Being heir, he is one of the most eligible and sought-after people in Tokyo.

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