35. Broken Promise

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Turns out the gift that Maguro has been waiting with much anticipation was not the promised sweets, chocolate or titbits.

It was just a revived Itadori Yuuji, the dead First Year boy everyone has been talking about.

Not that nobody was happy, but rather, they're a little creeped out that the seemingly dead Itadori is now alive and well in front of them. Just maybe, a little frozen in fear at his classmate's reaction.

Who could blame them? Afterall, Fushiguro witnessed first hand how Sukuna took over Itadori's body and ripped his heart out.

He's dead, and now he's alive.

Fushiguro didn't know what face he should make. But Maguro knew.

All traces of smile dropped from her face.

Inumaki immediately sensed the instant change in Maguro's feelings. All radiated happiness stopped abruptly and was replaced by a sad silence that cuts through his heart upon realizing that it was her feeling disappointed.

There were no snacks for them, and she knew it. Inumaki worriedly watches her.

"Where's our gift, Gojo-sensei?" Maguro asked, all traces of happiness disappeared from her face. She has been patiently watching the rest of the Kyoto students get their gifts from the white-haired sorcerer, but that was just for them. And after Itadori was reintroduced to the group and settled down, Gojo sensei still didn't turn to them. So she had to ask.

Her patience ran out when Gojo-sensei didn't look like he's going to give them anything else apart from that stupid big box he brought with them where Itadori Yuuji popped out from.

Instantly, jealousy surged in her like a bubbling pot about to boil over. Why them and not us? Why they get to have the damn pink mummies while we get nothing?

"This!" Gojo-sensei did a spin then turned back to them with a happy face, gesturing towards Itadori Yuuji, pushing him towards her. "This is your gift!"

The pink haired boy stares at her for a while, with his eyes shifting slightly from red to light brown, then red. And for a while, she thought that there was some other individual staring at her, making her feel as if she had just gone through X-ray.

But when she blinked, the feeling was gone, replaced by Itadori's light brown curious gaze.

"Hello!" Itadori greeted with a smile. "I'm Itadori Yuuji, the Sukuna vessel. I just came back from the dead."

Maguro could feel her heart squeeze. She lost all interest with newbies. Gojo-sensei...he didn't really forget them, did he?

"But sensei, you promised us snacks before you went overseas," Maguro reminded him again on his promise before he left for class the other day, completely ignoring Itadori's greeting. It was rude, and she knows it, but her desire for the promised snacks overrides manners. She could feel her heart started to pound hard, as if the boiling pot is about to boil over anytime. "You promised us the best chocolate with almonds and dates, and Jordan Almonds, Turkish Delights. You said you'd bring them back for us. Ne?"

Which... is true.

Satoru froze as he remembers that he did promise them he will bring back plenty of snacks and sweets for them, claiming the place where he is going is famous for their chocolate, Turkish Delights and Jordan Almonds.

She was waiting for that.

In fact, everyone knows she has been waiting for that for days.

Now that Satoru returned empty handed, everyone knew he is in hot water.

The hot potato remained in his hands.

"Err, that, right...haha! Well-" Gojo-sensei stuttered awkwardly. It was hard being a sensei when you forgot what you promised to your students.

And to one that remembers every promise and grudge at that. Worst still, he got the Kyoto students gifts. He should have realized he is in deep trouble when he saw her looking over at their gifts jealously.

"You forget about us, didn't you?!" Maguro exclaimed, angry tears pooling in her eyes. She pointed fingers towards the group of Kyoto students and continued, "You remembered them damn Kyoto students, but you forget about us!?"

"Hey!" Nishimiya called, miffed with her description of her school.

"N-Now now, Tsukigami-kun, I-I well... I almost missed the flight! Yes! That's why I couldn't buy anything for you guys- eh..." Satoru found himself at a tight corner when the other Second Year students started to move closer to him. "Tsukigami-kun..? Tsu-Tsukigami-kun?"

It was one thing to forget buying them gifts. But it was another thing to forget about a promise.

Feeling sad that their beloved teacher forgets about them but remembers only the Kyoto students, Maguro's tears gushed out and she bawled her eyes out on the spot.

And ran smack into Panda's open arms. 

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