51. Kyoto Third Years

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No sooner after Toge landed on the ground with Maguro safely secured on his shoulder, the veil casted by the evildoers were dispelled, revealing the bright blue skies above. Atop the skies, stood Gojo-sensei in all his unveiled glory.

The World Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer has dispelled the veil, and it is time for those invaders to expire. Toge smirked.

Ahh, Kamo thought to himself quietly. What a beautiful colour. Never knew I'd missed seeing the sky's colour so much. Life is beautiful-

"Stop your way-of-life poetic moment and get up, Kamo-senpai!" Nishimiya slapped one hand on Kamo's shoulder. She was gnashing her teeth when she saw Toge woke up and swiftly carrying the now unconscious pervert, Maguro, down the rooftop. She got to tell the Cursed Speech user what she had done to him while he is unconscious! Despicable. Utterly unacceptable! "Or she'll get away!"

"Who?" Kamo stood up slowly and asked, still amazed that he's plenty alive and well and oh, look, the 8 years old scar he scored from falling down a tree so long ago is now gone too. Not even a pink faded scar is left there. Oh, how amazing is the golden rain from heaven-

"Kamo-senpai!" again, Kamo's thoughts are interrupted. He sighed. He just wanted to enjoy this brief lull of how glad he was at being alive despite being hit by a ton of brick-like tree roots from that Special Grade Cursed Spirit. "Let's go now!" Nishimura exclaimed before kicking off the ground with her now wobbly broomstick. Damn that Nobara girl. To curse her beloved broomstick. She'll get even with her later!

From Kamo's point of view, Nishimura looks plenty much like her poor bristling broomstick's end.

Inumaki Toge, on the other side, sets down Maguro carefully on the ground and bent down. Carefully cradling her head to rest by his neck, Inumaki slung her arm behind his neck, stood up and lifted her up into his arms bridal styled. He could still feel her struggling to stay conscious. That made him smile.

She must have wanted to heal up everyone else. As usual, his Maguro puts everyone else's wellbeing before hers. Unhealthily sweet and kind, that is.

Leaning his face sideways, he rubbed his cheek against her forehead and thought out to her, "Don't worry much. Rest for now. I'll wake you up when we meet up with the rest."

She nodded her head lightly and fell back to rest safely in his arms.

He smiled.

And right then and there, the two Kyoto Third Years previously hanging around on the roof landed down. They saw the Cursed Speech User, Inumaki Toge, carrying the Reverse Cursed Technique user in his arms.

Bridal styled.

Wow, Nishimiya thought to herself, looking at the violet-eyed boy. This is the first time I've seen someone carrying another person in this style for real. Didn't know Inumaki-kun is so strong despite his small stature. And he didn't even waver with her in his arms for that long.


Nishimiya just noticed...that...the Cursed Speech User...

Had his collar unzipped.

She felt a blush coming right up her neck. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Nishimiya thought to herself and tries to think of other things to keep the blushes at bay. She has never seen Inumaki Toge with his collar unzipped. My, my. Nobody told her that he is handsome!

His Snake and Fang seal by the corner of his mouth appears so striking against his fair skin that it eerily suited him so perfectly, even going as far as to accentuate what is already beautiful to another level of magnificence. And his eyes. Goodness, Nishimiya sucked in a breath she didn't know she need. He's staring. He's staring at me. He's staring at me, ne?

Oh, look at Maguro in his arms. Nishimiya felt a bubbling sense of jealousy frothing up from within her when she saw the Barrier User gripping the front of Inumaki's shirt so closely. That act alone is enough to make her want to spill out what atrocities she has watched her did to Inumaki earlier.

Hmm, might as well just let him know now, she thought to herself.

"Ah, Inumaki-kun," Kamo broke the silence. "I see you're alright too. Tsukigami-san's technique is phenomenal! I've never seen such a technique before. And did anyone notice your years old scars are gone after the golden rain? Unbelievable. Absolutely breath-taking. What gorgeous talent she has there! Utahime-sensei has got to hear about this! Oh, she's resting I see? Well, we'd best get out of the compound now that Gojo Satoru is here. We mustn't get in his way."

Kamo missed Nishimura's glare. He just broke the moment she had with Inumaki. Almost. Almost! She almost told Inumaki what she just saw and now the moment is broken! And why is Kamo looking so fascinated with Maguro anyway?

Nishimura also missed Inumaki's gaze darkening when Kamo praised Maguro. The Cursed Speech User sensed Noritoshi Kamo appears plenty interested with his Maguro. He tightened his grip on Maguro and cradled her closer to his body, angling her away from the Blood Manipulation user. He had heard his unusual need to kindle kinship with sorcerer families.

And no doubt, his Maguro here is like a shining beacon for him. The only one left alive in the Tsukigami clan, and the only one to inherit it all. All the sorcerer families must have heard this, but because of Gojo Satoru, every one of them is kept at bay and away from her.

He knew, Tsukigami Maguro is now up for the sorcerer families to grab. To have her, is to have it all.

And it is then and there, Inumaki finds out that he is feeling very possessive of the girl in his arms. Maguro is his and can only be his girl. He came first. They met first. She will be his to care and protect. The rest will have to just shut up or disappear. That includes Noritoshi Kamo.

Sorcerer kinship be damned. Kamo will be the first he bans from his household visiting guests once he inherits the official heir title from his family this Fall.

And talk about this, he got to bring her back home to meet his family. They'll adore her.

While Kamo is speaking, Inumaki nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders, but he quickly caught himself when he realizes Maguro is resting on his shoulder.

Can't have his darling disturbed with mundane talks.

Maguro sighed with her eyes closed. Inumaki, noticing this, leaned down to hear her better.

"...water..." Maguro whispered, gripping his uniform weakly.

"Shake," (Alright. I'll get you some) Inumaki replied to her in an equally small voice. Maguro adjusted her head on his shoulder and continued to rest. She really felt so drained of energy it almost made her feel as if she's weighed down by 10 tons of lead on each limb. Thirsty, and heavy. It was a most torturing feeling in the world.

"Ikura," Inumaki said to the two Third Years, gesturing towards the gathering point with his head. He agreed with Kamo about Gojo-sensei's arrival. Best to avoid the area Gojo-sensei is in right now than get caught in his technique. It was ruthless, powerful, and very destructive when Gojo-sensei is mad.

And Inumaki knew he's plenty mad with the invaders for daring to harm them. Gojo held the students in Tokyo branch in high regards, and to have them harmed in such ways gives him plenty of excuses to crush them gnats.

Safe to say, the bitch tree is about to have its final showdown for harming his students.

Heading towards the checkpoint, Inumaki dashed towards the gathering area with Maguro in his arms, followed by Kamo and Nishimura closely.

You're mine, Maguro, he thought to himself quietly. Mine. No one else can have you but me. 

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