5. Introduction

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Inumaki's thoughts out to Maguro - Calibri Itallic

Inumaki's Cursed Speech Command - Calibri Itallic Bold

"Alright! Introduce yourself!" Gojo exclaimed excitedly, nearly bouncing in his shoes as he said to the rest of the second years in the dorm's living room. "She's new, so get to know each other, ne?"

Everyone stared at the girl wearing an oversized T-shirt and pants shuffling shyly in front of them.

She looked miniscule compared to the towering Panda and Gojo-sensei. Easily someone who disappear into the ground if she were to trip.

"Zenin Maki," Maki started, looking down at her from her towering height. Maki casually thought to herself that she really is short. Shorter than Inumaki. "I don't like my surname, so just Maki would do."

"Panda here," the real Panda said to her with a wave of his hand. His eyes twinkled kindly at her. "And that is Inumaki Toge-kun. He is a Cursed Speech user, so he can only speak in onigiri ingredients. It is to keep us all and himself safe from accidental cursing. His powers do him harm as well depending on the commands he unleashes."

"Konbu," (Hello,) Inumaki said with a wave of his hand, smiling behind his high collar.

"H-Hi. Hello," Maguro said, stuttering a little from all the attention and how quiet everyone seems to be when it was her turn to introduce herself. "I am Tsukigami Maguro. I was not born with jujutsu, but things happened and well...here I am. Gojo-sensei recruited me by the way. Please take care of me, senpais," Bowing her head to each of the second years in front of her, she bites her lips and prayed hard this awkwardness will all be over soon. The oversized shirt's sleeve flaps around her when she stood straight back up.

And saw Maki and Panda snickering upon hearing her name.

"What are you all laughing at?" Gojo sensei asked.

"No, Gojo sensei," Panda said while snickering. "We were laughing because Tuna is Inumaki's favourite."

Maki then continued with a snicker, "And he literally just met his destined one- in the flesh!"

They both howled in laughter while watching both Inumaki and Maguro flamed up in embarrassment. And this was joined by Gojo-sensei.

"That was what I first thought too!" Gojo-sensei shrieked, patting Panda's massive arm and laughed. "They're made for each other!"

"Next door neighbours too!" Panda added with a flair of cherry blossoms that he got out of nowhere.

"Purrrfect!" Gojo-sensei piped up with a hint of blush on his face. "Young love blossoming in the Spring~"

"Okaka!" (It's not like that!) Inumaki exclaimed, his ears bright red from all the snickering's Maki and Panda threw at him.

Ijichi arrived just in time to dispel the awkward situation with a trolley load of luggage and boxes. After the introduction, everyone either shuffles back or hang around the lounge area watching tv and munching on snacks. They've offered to help her with unpacking, but she declined, saying she needed some time to settle down and set up her new home.

This will be home for the next 2 years after all.

She started with opening all the taped boxes. She was told the room has been cleaned earlier. To save time for her shower and dinner, she will just have to pick up speed in unpacking.

Unbeknownst to anyone including herself, Maguro started to ponder some thoughts to herself.

And being the only person who had established a Connection with her, Inumaki heard it all.

"Hmm... this will go here. Books go here. Clothes, now where is my hanger? I remembered I kept them in this box. Wait, did I even pack them in? Don't tell me oh no oh no I did I swear I did pack them in-! Oh, lookie its here!"

Inumaki grinned to himself. She didn't know he heard her thoughts.

Standing up, Inumaki padded towards her room quietly. He saw there are a few boxes littered outside her room titled Books, Kitchen, and Toiletries.

She has a box just for Toiletries.

"Those looked heavy," Inumaki thought out to her, jolting her out of her little reverie.

"Oh, Inumaki-kun," Maguro reacted to his presence. "They're a little heavy, but I can manage- Inumaki-kun? Inumaki-kun! Wait!"

"Takana," (It's alright. Let me help) Inumaki said to her with a smile, easily taking a heavy box marked with Drinks away from her hand. "Okaka. Sujiko," (These are heavy. It is the least I could do to help around. I wouldn't stand by and let you do all these on your own).

He walked towards the mini fridge and inclined his head towards it. "Sujiko?" (Into the fridge?)

"A-Ah, yes, please. Those are for you guys. I was thinking of chilling them up first," Maguro replied, moving towards the fridge and opened the door. Smiling bashfully, Maguro thanked the off white haired boy, "Thank you, Inumaki-kun."

Inumaki smiled widely, his eyes crinkling from contentment. "Takana." (It's all good. Small matter.)

No sooner, Maki and Panda appeared at the doorway. Again, Maguro thanked for their kind intention to help but she's alright with Inumaki's help right now.

But of course, no one really hangs around the lounge area for long when Inumaki stood up earlier and followed Maguro to her room. 

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