61. Canteen

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A/N: Soooo, we hit Chapter 61! Blimey, it's been such an adventure. I never thought I'd churn out so many chapters for Inumaki-kun.

I was thinking of ending it as I find this too long? Do you think so? It's so rare to see chapters for a fic extends beyond 50. But I have yet to pull out Inumaki and Maguro's steamy scenes yet so hopefully I'll manage some out before long, or before Chapter 70 at least, if I manage to go that far. 

So for now, let's just enjoy what we have right now :)

Thank you for all the lovely comments. They are the main reason why I continue writing. 

Thank you. 

P.S: This picture has my heart racing. Kudos to the artist. 

"Ah, Tsukigami-kun, you like this too? It's my favourite. Didn't know it will be served in a canteen at this hour," said Noritoshi Kamo, appearing delighted at the sight of dango in a school canteen being served in bulk.

Inumaki, Panda, Maki and Maguro had all sat in a table, and each went off to get something to eat from the food warmer bars. Maguro had dived straight to the sweets section, piling on dango on her plate and catching the attention of Noritoshi Kamo.

Acting very friendly. Like they were close friends already.

And looked every bit as if he is desperate to get into her good graces.

Inumaki stayed close with Maguro but ignoring the Noritoshi clan's heir. He wasn't worried anymore as their relationship is already known to everyone.

That he is Maguro's boyfriend.

He gave Kamo a glance up and down, noting the senior didn't even notice Inumaki is standing next to her. Narrowing his eyes, he stared at Kamo. Sure, he's tall. But Maguro choose him. Wanted him even.

What is there to worry about? He thought to himself quietly. He has a spot in Maguro's heart permanently. What's there to worry about this lanky Kyoto fella?

"Oh, yes. The college canteen's auntie made it for me because I requested it. The rest of them don't really fancy it much during mealtime so they don't make many," Maguro replied politely with a smile, picking one dango stick up and placing it in Kamo's plate. "Here you go. One for you," she continued, picking up the rest of the dango sticks and placing it on her tray neatly. "And the rest is mine. Enjoy! They're delicious!"

He watches her walk away with the 6 sticks of dango on her tray to the other side of the counter and proceeds to pile rice and other meat on her tray. Maguro eats this much?

He looked around and it was then, Kamo realizes the extent of food Tokyo Tech's canteen is providing to their students upon taking his sight off Maguro.

It was mostly quiet with an occasional canteen staff coming out to load trays of freshly cooked food to the food warmer bars. But the arrays of food and desserts served was like a full-blown buffet style in a restaurant. This could easily serve a party of 50 or more people. He wondered why Kyoto Tech doesn't have the same privilege.

He looked at his group. Mai, Momo, Miwa. Sure, they had Todo and Mechamaru but Mechamaru doesn't eat normally. Other than that, mostly girls.

Then he looked at Kyoto side. Maki, Maguro, Nobara. Then there's Panda, Inumaki, Fushiguro, Itadori, Yuuta and Hakari. Boys' ratio more than girls.

Alright. Makes sense. They have more boys than girls here. So, it makes sense for the kitchen to prepare that much heavy meals for them. Afterall, they are still growing and needed nutrition.

Noritoshi Kamo gets it within a short timeframe of thinking. But not the girls.

"Why do the Tokyo Tech have so much food going on? There's not many of them here," Mai commented curiously, but piled food on her plate anyway. Free food and meat. Who doesn't appreciate the sight of a fully bustling canteen that's a rarity even in the college at Kyoto? Plus, she heard that they are open 24 hours.

Maguro came to this particular row to pick up some stir fry beef and overheard Mai asking Miwa and took it upon herself to answer that question, "Because we have a teacher who doesn't need to go on diets," Maguro said heartlessly with a wide smile, piling up more beef onto her plate whilst the rest of the Kyoto students gritted their teeth in silent jealousy. It successfully made them rethink their choice of college. Why did they get Iori-sensei again? Why? They could have had a 24-hour buffet canteen! Why!

"This is a waste of money to keep the food going on 24 hours," Nishimiya added, looking at all the meat in distaste. She's on a special diet for this month so she can't indulge in meat for now. But over time, she got used to the diet and goes on lesser meat and more towards rabbit food. Said the smell of grease made her feel fat or something.

"Oh, we have people that will eat them all, so we don't worry about that," Maki added, nudging Maguro aside to get to the pile of stir fry beef she had piled on her plate earlier. Maguro went back to the table where the rest of them is sitting and went back again to get some rice, where Inumaki is already helping her scoop rice into a big bowl. "Plus, our sensei's rich. He's willing to pay up for the cost of maintaining the canteen open 24 hours. He's always back late at random hours and the first thing he would do is eat. So food availability is a must here."

Maguro came back to Maki and placed a bowl of rice on her tray with a smile, then added, "Aside to that, our sensei has completed most of the high paying missions, bringing in more money into Tokyo than the Kyoto branch. So, a 24-hour canteen isn't a big issue for us."

Momo frowned. That's not fair. They get a cheapskate school that requires them to work chores to earn some budget for the school, but Tokyo Tech students don't have to. "How do you all know Tokyo branch is paid more than Kyoto anyway?"

Maki and Maguro were halfway turned back to their table when they heard that condescending tone. Maki grinned at Maguro, then went on ahead to the table where Panda and Inumaki were already sitting and waiting.

The last Tsukigami smiled at Momo sweetly and replied, "I read, Momo-chan. Didn't you see the billboard out there? Gojo-sensei's top paid missions are all plastered there. Only the best gets a place on that billboard."

She shrugged her shoulders at Momo and left her seething there alone when she turns back to where Inumaki is patting the seat next to him, happily calling her over to sit next to him with his bright set of amethyst orbs.

"Here, Maguro," Inumaki called her in thought as he pats the seat next to him. "I saved a seat for you. Sit next to me."

Maguro smiled in delight. Who could resist it when you have an Inumaki Toge calling you over like that?

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