50. I Got You Too

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The kiss. Was. Intoxicating.

Power. That was what she felt when Toge kisses her deeply. It sets her blood ablaze, her heart pounding hard, and all the noise in the world drowned in her own heartbeat and the sound he made in his throat when she responded. She had to remind herself to breath when she felt dizzy from lack of air and breathed quickly through the brief respite when Toge would angle his head to the other side to kiss her deeper.

Gripping his uniform tighter, Maguro heard him made a deep noise in his throat.

That was sexy. Very, very sexy.

Oh, how nice it would be if they were in his room. They could...continue...to...do more...things... and maybe... go all the way...

A drop of the golden liquid dripped on her face, and this quickly pulls her back from the sensual thoughts running wild in her head.

They're not in his room. They're at war with the bloody little plant curse that made Toge use his Cursed Speech to the point of pain.

By the time Toge releases her from their passionate kiss, Maguro had already felt so lightheaded it immediately reflected in the golden net technique she has set up around them on the roof. They flickered for a little bit, then slowly thinned out.

And slowly, the golden rain stopped.

This time, it was Maguro that slumped down into Toge's arms.

"Thank you, koi*" Toge told her in his thoughts as he pulls her into his embrace, breathing in her lovely scent as he skimmed his nose along her smooth neck. She was breathing hard against his neck, and he could feel how hot her cheeks is from their current position. "I've been wanting to do that for a while now."

"T-Toge-kun..." Maguro mumbled. Her heart pounded so hard in her chest she started seeing spots in her vision. The golden barrier gradually disintegrated, and the golden rain had stopped. She tried holding them up, but her emotions were in turmoil, and she couldn't regulate her breath well enough to keep the barrier up. It broke apart and came down in golden flakes.

But still, nothing compares to an Inumaki Toge passionately kissing her and staring into her eyes as he made her squeak.

And oh, how nice it felt when he wrapped an arm around her waist. So possessive, so strong.

So stimulatingly sensual.

Thank goodness it was just a squeak. She had barely controlled it from coming out as a moan. That would be terribly embarrassing despite how euphoric the kiss brings her.

"Oho?" Toge spoke in his mind to her. "Really?" She gripped his shoulder harder and closes her eyes tightly. Please, please, please. He didn't just hear her thought! He didn't!

She could feel him smiling against her neck.

"You just made me want you so bad, Maguro," he replied, confirming her worst fear as he bit her earlobe. "I want you so, so much."

Dead. She's dead. He just heard everything. And he had the galls to chuckle.

Burying her face in his shoulder, Maguro let out a small, embarrassed scream as her face heats up in shame. Toge finds that endearingly adorable of her. Kissing the side of her temple, he sighed contentedly.

"Can you stand? We need to leave here," Toge asked her after giving her a moment to cool down. She shakes her head as respond. At this point, all her energy has been used up. There was literally almost nothing left for her. Her barrier has disintegrated completely, leaving nothing behind for them to safeguard against any incoming enemies. 

Lord knows how many are there out there. If there is more than one Special Grade Cursed Sprit here...

They wouldn't have survived. No possible way.

Toge considered carrying her in his arms bridal style, but they're on top of the roof. He could hurt her if he were to lose his balance, and there is still long distance towards the ground from where they are right now. Going back to where he came from is out of the question as the Special Grade has destroyed it on its path chasing them up the roof just now.

"Mentaiko" (Bitch), Toge muttered and frowned. Damn thing is hell bent on wiping them off while it still can.

Looking to the other side, he saw Nishimiya nagging Kamo, who had scratched his head and looking down at his body and hands, as if looking for any sign of wounds. Toge snickered. They didn't know his Maguro just upgraded herself.

For him.

But that will be a celebration for another time. For now, he needs to get his Maguro down safely first.

Shrugging off his uniform jacket, Toge pulled Maguro up and made her stand still for a moment.

"Just a while, bear with me. You can lean on me, just let me tie this on you," Toge said, tying his jacket around her waist and made sure it covers everything behind her back. He is sure that her skirt would hike up if he were to carry her on his shoulder like this. 

He'd be damned if anyone else other than him saw anything up his girlfriend's skirt before he does. 

Then, she flopped behind his back as he finishes tying up his jacket on her.

He smiled. He could feel Maguro's consciousness slowly slipping away as her mind started to mumble random words.

Tired... Maguro mumbled in her mind. She didn't even have the energy to voice it out any longer. To-Toge-kun... Toge...kun...

It was just like that time. Back when she first Casted, and back when she almost tumbled down the long flight of stone stairs were it not for him pulling her hand at the last minute.

And just like back then, it was his name she called before she loses consciousness.

Her legs finally buckled beneath her. She's at her limit.

"It's alright, Maguro," he continued. Leaning down, Toge carried her up on his shoulder and pulled his jacket to cover more of her legs. One hand on her small back and the other wrapped around her legs on his chest, Toge looked down the ground from the roof and smiled. "I got you too."

Koi - Love

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