86. Nina's Outburst

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A/N: Here's a second one today~

I never really thanked everyone for the support of this fic. It's been more than a few months and it's still sitting on No. 1 for InumakiToge Tag. Thank you for still dropping by visiting this fic from time to time and dropping comments. Thank you, and no words could describe how much I appreciate this. 

There is only twice in her entire life that Maguro ever felt such fear flowing like ice through her bloodstream. Her heart pounded hard and loud in her ears, and she could hear ringing as well. She gulped in fear, feeling her life is now fucked all over again.

Gojo-sensei did warn her. He warned her months back, long before he enrolled her into the college, that there are consequences to every action she chooses to take. She made her choice, and today, she's paying the price for it.

And Gojo-sensei is not back yet from his mission.

No one else knows. No one else knows about this apart from Gojo-sensei.

She could feel the icy fear running in her vein. Her hands turned clammy as she started to sweat. "N-Nina-san, hello," she stuttered, her bravery disappearing as swift as summer rain. She promised to herself and to her dead family, she'll be alright. She'll be able to face the world as Tsukigami Maguro.

She promised herself that. She promised to all the dead Tsukigamis. She promised she'd be alright.

But now, every conversation she has practiced countless times in front of the mirror, every possible encounter, and every reply she would have said to convince others completely blanked out in her mind.

She has nothing to say.

"N-Nina," Miki stuttered as well, startled that her quiet sister would lash out at a guest of the Inumaki clan's young master like this. "What are you-"

"She's not Tsukigami Maguro!" Nina lashes out again, not caring that she's here only at the courtesy of the main house's elders. Toge's friends are the esteemed guests, not her or her sister. They're just tools for the elders to play around with power figures in the family. She lunged towards Maguro, clawing out at her, maybe trying to land a slap or beat her up a bit for posing as the dead.

Maguro's White Cloak – a protection spell weaved to her soul – fluttered around her protectively like a thin transparent curtain upon the first sign of danger. Nina couldn't see it, but Miki could. She watches it, fascinated with just how wraithlike the White Cloak is, glittering in its ethereal splendour that only those possessing Cursed Powers could see. Every jujutsu sorcerer would be able to see how the White Cloak works – but despite the cloak's protection, Panda and Maki swooped in to block her up from reaching Maguro and stopped the White Cloak from carrying out its duty.

"Wow, stay back there, bitch," Maki chided, glaring down at this giant baby screaming her head out at her friend. "Calm the fuck down, will you?"

"She's an imposter!" Nina screamed, her face looking absolutely demented from it. "An imposter! The real Tsukigami Maguro is not her! The real Tsukigami Maguro is dead! She's dead months back!"

Toge briefly caught his mother's lips curling up in a smile as she watches the scene unfold. But her eyes were on Nina, lashing out at Maguro for being...Maguro.

He knew his parents aren't the type to march in and stops a fight when they see one. They liked to observe, let the fight roar a bit bigger, then swoop in surprise to stop the enemy.

Toge's eyes hardened in distaste when his eyes flitted back to Nina. Who the fuck is this crazy nut again? He's sure that his parents wouldn't invite someone like this to dinner with them.

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