72. Off You Go

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A/N: Hello~ I'm back. 

Thank you for the comments everyone. <3

Hope you all will enjoy this chappie as much as I do >_0

That picture is gorgeous by the way. Credits to the artist that created this.

A little itch. That's all Inumaki felt in his throat. Nothing that he hadn't handled before.

Inumaki closed the window and latched it on properly, watching Nishimiya Momo's retreating figure walking robotically back towards the guest dorm. The power of his words from the Snake and Fang cursed marks are commanding enough on someone like Nishimiya Momo, and he's confident that she will never again come bother them with her unnecessary need for attention. The night is still early too, so she probably won't bump into anyone else on her way back to the guest's dorm.

He sighed in regret at her small back gradually being engulfed in darkness.

Damn this girl.

He pulled the curtains close. But then decided to pull them aside after a brief pause and give the area outside his window a quick perimeter check. There were no more humans around. Just his garden- no, wait!

His shiny stones. There was a nice line surrounding the plants he has planted, and all of them are stones handpicked by the river. There is a few of them missing, breaking the line surrounding the plants.

Everyone in Tokyo Jujutsu High knew that is his area, and he's taking care of it daily. No other people pass by this area often, and there's no Kyoto students interested to take this path because there's nothing much to see here.

Except Nishimiya Momo.

Fuckin dammit. Must be her.

When he saw her at the window, Inumaki was just one second away from telling her to get out of his sight, but stopped himself just right before he speaks.

A conversation from Maki and Nobara had reminded him of a possibility...

That the Witch of Kyoto "should just give up on him. I mean, wasn't it obvious enough how much Toge likes Maguro with how much he dotes on his Tuna? Nobody gets any sweet treats from him except Maguro."

"But she's probably just stubborn," Nobara had yapped on, with Itadori nodding his head along with the conversation whilst having his hand deep inside a bag of chips. "The poor witch probably just realize Inumaki-senpai's good looks. I mean, any babies Inumaki-senpai chooses to have with his woman of choice would be gorgeous."

"Senpai's taken though," Itadori joined in the conversation, his eyes looking inside the bag of chips, lulled by the free gift advertised on the front cover of the bag of chips. "The witch will give up. Senpai's totally out of Maguro-senpai's league."

And in that split second, he changes his mind.

"Go back to your dorm," Inumaki had said. The command was immediate. Her body turned around as she trudged slowly towards the guest dorm, but she protested still.


Inumaki clicked his tongue. This is getting messy.

"No! This isn't fair! You- You were supposed to be single!" she exclaimed, tears streaming down her eyes. "Tsukigami Maguro! You aren't supposed to be here! You aren't supposed to be with him!" she exclaimed. Inumaki caught Maguro closing her ears with both her hands, crouching down on the floor as she tries not to let this situation gets to her.

Maguro didn't deserve this. Not any mess, not any trouble.

Nothing should disturb his Tuna.

Biting his lips, he decided then - that Nishimiya Momo will never be able to remember tonight.

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