77. Packing Up

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A/N: Hello. I'm back. Been a while but there's one hella roller coaster for the past few months, and I had to admit I'm addicted to Hogwarts Legacy - and Ominis Gaunt. 

I am sorry but here it is. I'm contemplating starting on Book 2 instead of jamming all chapters into one book. So maybe this story will end soon so a new one can start.

Anyway. Thank you for waiting patiently.


*Look at Inumaki dressing in normal clothes!!! 

"Momo, what are you looking at?" Mai asked, approaching the blonde when she found her standing stock still staring openly at one direction.

Momo's expression was one of confusion. She had on a small frown, as if she was trying to think hard about something. Mai looked at the direction where Momo is looking at.

It was the Tokyo group. They chattered on happily, Nobara and Itadori that is, egging Maki on to tell them what are the best eats at Inumaki's hometown. Everyone appeared so excited for the holidays. According to Maki, the ride to Inumaki's hometown is roughly around 2 hours from the Tokyo College.

"There's a festival around the corner the same week we're there," Fushiguro answered on behalf when Maki ignored the chattering duo and just piled her bags into the van. He kept his phone back into his pocket and helped the girls pile their luggage into the large shiny black vanity van, courtesy of Gojo Satoru's treat to the team for winning beautifully again this time round in the Sister School Exchange Event.

It really is very nice to have a rich sensei. You'll get doted on in the most comfortable ways.

Nobara had a total of three luggage, claiming the Yukata and her beauty products took up a lot of space. Maguro and Maki both had one luggage each and a small duffle bag. "There's bound to have a lot of food stalls around there."

Itadori joined in and helped with the luggage. "How about onsen? Onsen, onsen!"

"It's fuckin Summer," Nobara grumbled, but now that she thought about it, yes, onsen. It should be nice to sit in it and wind down tired muscles after this school's event. It was crazy enough that they almost died in it.

Nobara decided that Onsen is not a bad idea.

"There's one in the clan ground," Inumaki said out loud with a happy smile, jolting Momo and Mai into a shock, whom both was clearly and openly staring and listening to their conversations. Wait- wasn't- he just-

Both Momo and Mai had the same thought. Did Inumaki Toge actually just spoke?

Dumbfounded, all they could do is just stare in disbelief as Inumaki Toge – the Cursed Speech User – speaks to his friends nonchalantly.

As if he wasn't carrying the deadly Cursed Speech power.

Turns out, Maguro's Nullifying powers are not widely known after all.

Inumaki cocked his head towards Maguro casually with a smile that crinkled the corner of his eyes, pulling out a lollipop from his pocket and handed it to Maguro. She has been patting his pockets with pursed lips, hoping for that tell-tale sound of a delicious plastic wrapper sound. She knew he has sweets on him most of the time. He had expected her to squeal in delight when he presented her with another lychee lollipop, and she did just that.

Her reactions never failed to elicit a smile on his face.

Raising his hand, he patted her hair dotingly as she focuses on unwrapping the lollipop. Never a dull day with his girlfriend by his side.

He then continues on while facing Panda and the rest, "There's medical properties in the ones I have back home. Good for skin as well. So, everyone can try it out after we arrive today."

The little group cheered. No one could ever hate onsen.

"Toge's house is the best place to spend your holidays at," Panda pipped up, excited with the onsen notion. "Any scratch you have? Get a dip. It'll be gone by the next day. Maki's skin used to look so damn glowing after that onsen bath."

Nobara's eyes sparkled in delight. Free onsen, and free skin treatment? What luck!

It was then Gojo Satoru walked out in all his silver-headed pomp and dark shades glory with a small leather bag of his own and joined in with the gang. Throwing it casually into the back of the van's storage space from where he stood at the stairs, he gave Itadori a high five as a greeting and grinned at an easily impressed Maguro.

Gojo had something to check out nearby Inumaki's hometown during that week. What better place to stay than the Inumaki clan's house? Their medicinal onsen is excellent, and the homecooked food are delicious.

No shit. He's going to follow them to Inumaki's house. Van trip is going to be great.

"That was so cool, sensei!" Itadori exclaimed in awe, while Maguro clapped her hands together with the lollipop in her mouth, thoroughly enjoying all this buzzing excitement.

That comment and Maguro's reaction further inflated Gojo's already massive ego.

Utahime scoffed at the sight of the handsome Six Eyes user, coming down from the stairs from behind. "Everyone here? Make sure nothing is left behind. We aren't going to come back here until next year's event."

The rest of the Kyoto side slowly moved around their luggage. They didn't want to say it out loud, but they really didn't have the heart to go back to Kyoto's college. Tokyo's amenities are far better than what Kyoto had to offer, and really, everything is just much, much happier here. There's not too much jealousy going on, no backstabbing teammates, and no crazy idol fans.

Tokyo's college is just much merrier. And happier. And normal.

And they have a rich sensei.

Kyoto side watches their own van sadly. It was provided by Kyoto branch's college – made to last, but not exactly comfortable. But the Tokyo kids get to enjoy being pampered by Gojo Satoru.

Miwa's lips trembled sadly. She didn't want to leave so soon.

"Momo?" Mai called, patting her shoulder. "Momo, are you alright? You're staring into spaces. Wake up."

Momo blinked. She has been staring at the Tokyo group chattering happily with their teams, and she found that she was strangely compelled towards Inumaki Toge and Tsukigami Maguro's interactions.

It was something she couldn't explain. Looking at him, she just felt as if she forgot something.

"Since when did the Cursed Speech user has a girlfriend?" Momo asked as she watched Inumaki Toge dotes on Tsukigami Maguro, pinching her cheeks cutely and patting her head.

"I think it was the other day when Panda announces them both. That Tsukigami girl was sleeping in his arms after healing all of us," Miwa pipes in, helping Momo carrying her small purple duffle bag into the bus heading for Kyoto. "Said they were an item already."

Momo blinked her eyes. There's a sort of sadness simmering in her heart that she couldn't explain where it came from, but whenever she saw Inumaki Toge with Tsukigami Maguro, she would feel a slight squeeze in her heart, as if she was sad, or bitter.

Or heartbroken at the sight of them both.

She didn't like that feeling at all.

"Come on," Utahime said to the Kyoto's group. "Let's go."

The two groups separated at that – one back to Kyoto, another one to Inumaki's hometown. Both groups had such a different vibe, but nonetheless, they are moving forward.

After the holiday is over, they will be back to a new regime of training for an upcoming threat currently brewing in the unknown.

And with that, marks the end of the Tokyo-Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event officially. 

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