45. Inumaki's Curse

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It was as if time has stopped for Maguro and Maguro alone. Time, on the real-world side, was merely seconds into the appearance of the Fire Wolf.

"Maguro?" Gojo called, realizing Maguro has sort of just closed her eyes and sank into a deep thought. The golden aura flowed around her gradually brightens. Gojo summed to himself that she must have sunk into some sort of trance, or a dimension perhaps. Golden glow is a rarity, and this colour is usually associated with a godly guardian. Could it be possible that she...

"Maguro-chan?" he called again. "Are you okay?"

The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer raised one hand to shake Maguro awake, but before his hand could reach her, red orange flames erupted from around Maguro, throwing him back in surprise.

It wasn't the type of flame that feels hot to the touch, but more towards an aura.

Divine aura.

Gojo gritted his teeth. If they realize what possibility she could be to the school...

Riko...Gojo thought of the name long buried in his memories. His classmate, the Star of the school. He wouldn't ever wish for any of his students to have a fate like that. It was a cruel fate, and they don't deserve that.

"T-This is-" Utahime started, her eyes widened in shock at the flames emitted around the student. It wasn't a normal flame either – this flame had a gleam- no, more like a sheen of golden hue to it. Golden hue is always associated with the old Gods or Guardians. But how has she got it? To obtain it, there is always a price that the humans could never pay up, hence they ended up with various kinds of strong curses like Sukuna, a by-product of human's wishes to the Gods gone awry.

"Akihiko," she said quietly, but Utahime and Gojo heard it clear as day.

Akihiko the Bright Prince, the very name of the Nine Tailed Fire Wolf God that everyone in the Jujutsu world has been scrambling to find and own.

A majestic tailed white wolf leaped out of Maguro's shadow. There it is – the legend in the eyes of every jujutsu sorcerer's dreams. The four white tails with its tips appearing as if it were dipped in molten lava flares up around its back, and at that number of tails, it shows just how far Maguro has progressed with obtaining and mastering her family's technique.

The Fire Wolf God's tail grows and appear according to their master's progress in powers. They only will follow and appear to those who can and will be inheriting various techniques, and for this legendary beast to appear to Maguro at that young age shows that she can and will grow even stronger than she is right now.

For the Fire Wolf God to appear in the human plane for the first time in so many years in its four tailed form, shows how far Maguro has come from the untimely demise of the Tsukigami clan. Thou a long way to the wolf's full nine-tailed form four – at her age – Is very good already.

Very good.

"So this is the guardian to the last heir of Tsukigami clan?" Kyoto's Principal croaked, eyes widely staring at the guardian's overflowing godly aura. Surely it was fire, but it was a fire that cannot harm a human being. For Tsukigami Maguro to be able to call forth such a godly beast simply proves that still water runs deep.

There's more to the girl than what she is right now.

Maguro blinked, and realizes she is back to the real world's plane, oblivious to the greedy stares from the Kyoto's instructor and principal towards her newly called forth guardian.

Toge, she quietly thought out, calling out the whitehaired boy while the other hand lightly rests upon the Fire Wolf's head. Toge-kun, where are you?

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