21. Bait

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Morning came earlier than usual.

The birds chirping brings Maguro's eyes open, a little annoyed her sleep was disturbed by the sound. Though lovely, she preferred to sleep in a little more.

Her bed feels so nice to just continue to sleep.

Snuggling into the warmth of her pillows, she takes a deep breath of Inumaki's manly scent and sighed against his neck. In return, he pulled her closer, then rests his cheek on top of her head.

This feels so nice, Maguro thought to herself as she started to feel sleepy again. Smells so good...

"Why thank you, Maguro-chan," Inumaki replied her in his thought. She could feel a smile in those words. "You smelled lovely yourself too."

Inumaki felt her slowly coming awake, and when she snuggled deeper into his neck, he felt his heart speeds up. Did she even realize where she is touching right now?

She had unintentionally searching for a warmer place to bury her cold digits in, and when his shirt rides up when he made a turn in sleep, her hands had slide right up his back and warmed itself shamelessly.

They even did some squeezing as well.

Inumaki smiled at the memory. She wasn't awake. She didn't realize what she is doing half asleep like that.

And when she praised him smelling good, his heart did a sort of flip, swelled and speeds up.

She must have liked him to an extend to favour his scent, that he can be sure.

Maguro's eyes snapped wide open upon realizing she's in Inumaki's room, and in his arms no less. Wait, her hand- oh hell, one of her hand is in his shirt!

Of course, Maguro flipped.

"I-I'm sorry, Inumaki-kun!" Maguro exclaimed in shock, pushing at his chest to create a distance. "I was asleep and my- my hand- my hand had a mind of its own I'm so sorry this happened-"

Inumaki interrupted her by patting her head and sits up. "It's alright, Maguro. You're asleep. You didn't know."

Maguro looked up at Inumaki, who was smiling down at her kindly. Surely, he had to know he's the prettiest boy she has ever met?

Surely, he knew. He must have known about it.

Or else, a simple ray of sunbeam shining into his room will not bring about that amazing godlike glow around him when he smiled at her.

A tuft of hair stuck out from behind his head, catching Maguro's attention.

"Oh, your hair is messed up. Here," Maguro commented casually and raised one hand to run through his hair. His locks are soft and airy, quite easy to get them to style and manage. They're so soft she thought of running her hands on it for a few more times...

Until she realizes Inumaki is actually staring at her.

"Hands had a mind of their own again, Maguro?" Inumaki teased with a crooked smile. Maguro felt her heart did a skid of sort when he does that. He is very good looking when he does that.

Like an innocent Angel turned Devil.

"A-ah, I-I think so. Must have been a sort of OCD. Sorry about that again, Inumaki-kun," Maguro apologized, tightly holding down her other hand before they again reach out towards the Cursed Speech User.

Reaching out to him.

If she reaches out her hand to him, will he hold it?

As she pondered her thoughts, Inumaki watches her quietly. She had had a rough night. The Apple Strudel should be good enough to cheer her up again.

"Come, come," Inumaki said to her, standing up from his bed and begun rolling the Futon up to keep aside. "Apple Strudel remember? We'll need to get there early to get the hot ones."

He didn't need to say that twice. Maguro had immediately stepped down from the bed and rushed out of Inumaki's room to her room.

Food is a good bait to get Maguro to do things, Inumaki amused quietly to himself with a small laugh.

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