19. Almost

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Recap: "Yes?" Inumaki said in his thought, mimicking a deep tone in his mind.

He knew she will hear it.

"I-..." she started again. This time, she stares back into his eyes bravely without letting his voice in her mind and his lips distract her. "I want the bed."

"Bed it is," Inumaki nodded his head in agreement, pushing her towards the bathroom. "Quickly now. Brush up. It's late. We'll need to sleep soon."

"B-but no, wait-" Maguro protested, but Inumaki smiled at her before sliding the bathroom door close in her face.

"Oh, fuck," she said to herself, slapping both her hands on her cheeks.

What she had wanted to say was that she wanted the futon to sleep tonight, not the bed. She wanted the bed to be the place he sleeps tonight whilst she sleeps on the futon because she wants the futon not the bed! Hell knows what will happen to her if she sleeps in his bed.

With that scent? Maguro gulped. It is his bed. Surely, it will have his scent there. She might just really pounce on him at night.

Inumaki from outside chuckled. He got her where he wanted her to be by glancing casually next to him, which prompt her to glance over to his bed and just blurted it out when he leaned into her.

And because of that, he treasures her above everyone else. He needn't fish out his phone to type quickly, or rush through a piece of paper and pen whenever he wanted to say something.

She can hear what he wanted to say instantly. For that reason, he is immensely grateful for her being here with them at the Jujutsu Tech Metropolitan College.

He knew that when he decided to watch over her quietly from day one she joins them at the college. He will observe her occasionally and check up on her just to see if she's alright. But gradually, he finds himself starting to just want to watch her all the time.

Maguro is the cutest girl he had ever seen in his entire life. Her greyish blue eyes, her long dark hair in braids of updo whenever she's in class with them, and her mussed up hair after Ieiri-sensei's class. He finds that one particularly alluring, more so when her face was flushed, and she is sweating.

Sweaty Maguro is fascinating, he thought to himself quietly, smiling at the memory of her stumbling into his arms tiredly after an intensely gruesome class with Ieiri-sensei. Very yummy looking.

More so when Maguro doesn't keep her hair in its normal updo. She had opted for a side braid tonight, with her small baby hairs fringing her lovely face. He finds her looking rather sweet like this. Inumaki feels it will feel nice to run his hands through it.

Maguro came out of the bathroom a while later wiping her face with her face towel. Inumaki quickly slapped her pillow on his bed and pushed his pillow onto the futon. This act was not left unseen by Maguro.

"I want the futon!" Maguro said frustratedly, lightly stomping towards the futon. But Inumaki was faster than her and pulled her by her arms back, advancing towards the futon himself.

"Ikura," (You're the guest. Futon is mine) Inumaki explained to her got to his futon, crouching down to flip the coverings over so he can get in.

Maguro seethed from behind him and did a war cry before jumping to his back. Inumaki smiled. Her biggest mistake was the war cry. He turned around sharply before catching her expression changed to surprise and caught her by her waist, causing her to tumble into his arms as he falls back onto the futon with her.

Destined to Collide - Inumaki TogeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя