6. New Dorm

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At the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, all students are allocated their own room. They can cook and shower at the comfort of their own room, and they can basically do anything they want to their rooms. However, all years are to stay together in one Wing.

For example, Second Years stays together in the Wing, First Years stays in another Wing nearby, and the same goes for Third Years. But of course, exceptions are made if there are requests submitted, or if the student is the only one in their Year. This is to foster team spirit and also to keep each other company enough to promote trust and rapport.

As of now, there is only one First Year in the First Year's wing.

Maguro ended up with Inumaki as her only neighbour as her given room was the last one in that wing. In a way, she was tucked in nicely into a corner of the dorm that has the nicest view. She has two sides of glass windows – one with a nice ledge she could put some small potted flowers or something small that she likes, the other one a wall length glass window that could be slide open to access the balcony. She felt a little happy knowing she has this balcony all to herself. 


"Remember to close your windows during Summer. This room has hella loads of bugs lining up to crawl in," said Maki nonchalantly before opening the curtains and windows to Maguro's new room, attempting to air out the room a little.

Maguro gulped. Not that she's afraid of bugs, but she really don't like crawlies crawling on her skin, especially when it was unnoticed earlier. Maybe she can take this coming Summer as an opportunity to create a Barrier or Curtain using her newfound cursed powers around her room of sort.


That is after she learn how to use it though.

Damn. That'll be less than 3 months' time from now to Summer.

She'll have to work hard through the jujutsu course then.

Maki and Panda invited themselves into her room despite her protest. Like Inumaki earlier, they begun to help around with the boxes littered around the room. She had felt guilty with their help – she has a lot of things moved in and all those will take up their free time, but Maki slapped one hand on her shoulder and smiled. 

She bit her lips and muttered a shy "Thank you."

Panda helped to carry some of the heavier stuff and offered to help her hang the fairy lights she had brought with her. She gladly accepted the help of a 200CM tall Panda and thanked him for his kindness.

"We're teammates now. Don't stand on ceremony and let us help around occasionally. You're not alone anymore," Panda said thoughtfully as he hangs the fairy lights at the corner of her ceiling. He said this will light up in a much lovelier way than hanging on bedframes. "Your room will look plenty lovely after this at night," Panda happily mused to himself when he hangs the fairy lights up.

Maguro found out then and there that Panda has some interest in interior design. His advice on room and furniture arrangements are very in depth and useful.

Inumaki helped with her toiletries. There are easily two bags full of toiletries ranging from face wash, foam wash, scrubs, masks, moisturizing wash, and antibacterial wash in the box labelled Toiletries earlier. He was sure there is more to reveal in the bag than on the surface and started to arrange them neatly according to its categories. Washes and shampoo near the bathtub, and face washes at the mirror side.

Maguro found out later that Inumaki has a little OCD going around with how neat her bottles of toiletries arranged in the bathroom. Sweet of him.

Maki on the other hand, had started small talks with Maguro on her clothes as well as shoes.

"You have socks with cat prints on it?" Maki said incredulously, finding it absurd and yet irresistibly adorable. The socks' front part has a cat head looking up. Some are tabbies, some are white and some black with shining eyes.

"They're cute. I have another one that has cats' paws underneath the sock's sole. Oh, look! This is the one I've mentioned," Maguro started, and picked up a plain white coloured sock before turning it over to show Maki the pink cat paw prints.

Maki's cheeks-tinged red. Maguro found out Maki liked animal prints on socks.

Or perhaps the very animal itself. 

Unpacking went by quickly with the help of her new classmates. Popping open the fridge, she quietly mused to herself the fridge is very good, judging by how quick her drinks cooled.

"These are my favourites. They are very good. I hope you'll like them," Maguro said, giving each of them a canned fruit green tea. It was a mix of peaches, lemon, and passion fruit.

"Inumaki, here!" Panda called, throwing a can of green tea at him. Inumaki caught it with his quick reflexes. Naturally, he glanced over at Maguro and found her staring at him in amazement.

He almost – almost – puffed up his chest.

He only noticed the green tea he got is passion fruit flavoured when he popped the can open. Looking up at Panda, Inumaki caught the black and white furry beast and Maki snickering.

Passion fruit flavoured - he got a passion flavoured drink.

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