62. The Maguro Effect

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A/N: Hello everyone~ 

First off, salum11037, your reading list's name made my day XD. Duly noted on that subtle request. 

And I think I saw someone said something about a time for smut thing XD. I'm sorry things got dragged, but let me plan on when to slip that in. I wanted it to be good and satisfying, like a 'FINALLY!" thing and not rushed. I would like to give Maguro and Toge a biiiiit more time to work on to their Next Level. 

Smut may be a while more, but sexy time definitely will be in the next few chapters. *Wink

I started Destined to Collide with an initial thought of doing a daily fluff thing. But well, it escalated, and new powers, Maguro's family with the jujutsu legends, Akihiko came out and hopefully, hopefully, I could spare enough time to catch up to the manga and continue it to the infamous Shibuya Arc. 

By that time, I'll put a mark at the start of each chapter to warn of the spoilers just in case anyone here wouldn't want to read that part. 

Meanwhile, bear with me and enjoy the fluffs that I managed to sneak in recent chapters. I'm drafting the sexy time right now. *Wink *Wink *Wink

Thank you all for supporting this story. And thank you more for all the comments. <3


The trio came back just in time for Panda, Inumaki and Maguro to get second rounds. Maki was on a normal meal plan because she didn't exert cursed energy. For Panda and Inumaki, they ate a lot because of their large appetite. But for Maguro, it was to replenish the Chi that she had used on the roof earlier.

And she really doesn't hold back on the food served at the buffet table.

"Meatball soup is on tonight!" Itadori said happily, dangling the plastic with the meatball ingredients at Maguro. "We're back everyone!"

Even while eating, she had the galls to salivate at the thought of their dinner plan and stared starry-eyed at Itadori.

"Goodness, Maguro," Maki chided jokingly while munching on an apple slice. "You're in public. Behave yourself."

Maguro felt so excited for tonight's main menu and holds one side of her cheek before squealing in delight. "Oh, I can't help it, Maki," she said, her eyes twinkling happily at the bag of meatball ingredient Itadori is holding. "Megumi's meatball soup is already very good. If the original recipe owner were to make it, wouldn't it be even more delicious? Can you imagine that, Toge-kun?"

"Shake," he nodded his head as acknowledgement, picking up a piece of stir fry and pop it in his mouth. Yes indeed. Fushiguro's meatball soup is already very good. Inumaki looked up at him just in time to see him smiling and shaking his head at Maguro, appearing amused with her being so excited at a simple meatball soup.

Inumaki narrowed his eyes at him.

Fushiguro happened to glance to his direction, then did a double take just to confirm that his eyes really didn't play tricks on him.

An ominous air surrounds Inumaki Toge, his usually coolheaded and kind senpai.

Maguro. This must be the Maguro effect. Jealousy is at its peak, more so when he knew it was most likely spurred on by Noritoshi Kamo, whom he saw kept trying to talk to Maguro. Out of wanting to be friends, or out of his obligation to his clan's bloodline, he didn't want to know. But then again, he couldn't see his senpai get paired up with anyone other than Maguro.

She's perfect for him.

He quickly shakes his head as a response while glancing at Maguro, hopefully Inumaki will understand this gesture. He wasn't interested with Maguro that way. No, not in a romantic way. More like she's new here and just wanted to look out for her. Genuinely looking out for her.

The ominous clouds hovering around Inumaki dispersed almost instantly. In the span of a second, Inumaki went from terrifyingly jealous back to his normal happy self. Fushiguro could have sworn that it happened in the span of a single blink of an eye.

Inumaki nodded happily and picked up the sliced apples from the bowl and passing it to Maguro, who had just done with one piece of apple slice. She smiled, he beamed.

Fushiguro smiled. Who else could make him smile that way but her?

Except, maybe Okkotsu-senpai?

Inumaki Toge is Okkotsu Yuuta's favourite best friend. Maguro might have a hard time squeezing in between them. But then again, maybe Yuuta already knew. They keep in touch often after all.

Their meals ended with them bantering and laughing away at each other. Nobara and Fushiguro would occasionally give Itadori the cold shoulder for keeping quiet on him being dead for so long when he is alive and well somewhere in Japan. But Itadori managed to turn the cold shoulder to Gojo, who is the real reason why Itadori is hidden for so long from public about him being alive.

"That baka-sensei again," Maki quietly mouthed, narrowing her eyes at Itadori, who looked pitifully confused as to why his teammates gives him the cold shoulder still. Fushiguro, especially. That boy was particularly miffed with the reason Itadori gave them. They were sad when they thought Itadori had died. "He could have let us know at least that the First Year is still alive. I bet the rest of my wallet that Shoko-san knows something about this too."

"Add in Ijichi-san too," Maguro chirped in innocently, now munching some apple slices Maki pushed towards her. She already had her fill, so Maguro can finish the rest. "He was the one who brought in the dead First Year, so he would have known something about it."

"Ah, yes, he does," Itadori helpfully added. "He was in shock when I first woke back up."

Panda guffawed. He loves the newly resurrected First Year boy already. Bloody kid is so entertaining!

Itadori, looking confused as ever, continued with an awkward scratch on the back of his neck. "All I remember is waking up buck naked, with Shoko-san pulling on her gloves. God knows what would have happened if I were to wake up a minute later. So really, there's only the three of them know about me coming back from the dead."

Everyone looked at Maguro.

She looked back at them, her eyes wide with confusion over the sudden stares.

"Hmm? What is it?" Maguro asked, looking at each of them.

"Shoko-san is your sensei too, Maguro-chan," Panda started first, eager to see the showdown. He loves a noisy table. "She adores you. Would have told you anything you wanted so..."

"So, spill," Maki slapped one hand on the table, her enormous strength rattling the plates and trays on their table, jolting everyone at the table as well as catching Kyoto student's attention. Maki wriggled her eyebrows and smirked at her, "Shoko must have told you something, didn't she?"

The apple dropped from her hand back into the bowl as Maguro gulped in fear.

Maki is a very fearsome interrogator when she wants to be. 

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