49. Under the Golden Rain

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Scandalous. This is scandalous!! 

Nishimiya Momo felt her jaw starting to numb. She had just witnessed Maguro kissing a helpless Cursed Speech User!

This is despicable of her, to go so far as to take advantage of a helpless Inumaki Toge.

Just as she is about to stand up and stop her, her senpai, Kamo, woke up.

"N-Nishimiya-san," Kamo stuttered, struggling to sit up while still under the guise and belief that he is heavily injured. But when he sits up, nothing happens. He felt around his body for any expected injuries, but there was...none. No dizziness, no pain, wait, not even broken bones or difficulty in breathing and no-

Oh, a golden shower, Kamo thought to himself, distracted with the beautiful view of the golden net-like barrier and the golden rain. What day is today for such a lovely divine view? Is he dead?

Kamo gulped. This is heaven, isn't it?

"Kamo-senpai!" Nishimiya exclaimed, torn between wanting to give the Reverse Cursed User a piece of her mind on moral rights and harrasement before Kamo looked up at her. The scar on his face. Earlier, it was there.

They were gone now.

"Y-Your face... your wounds are all healed," Nishimiya stuttered in shock, not daring to believe her eyes.

"It appears so," Kamo looked himself all over, finding all the small scratches and heck, even years old scars are gone. He looked up and around the strange golden net-like barrier and felt waves of this strange energy he used to feel whenever someone used a Reverse Cursed Technique on him. It was something indescribable. Something that he guessed, only people who have experienced it will be able to understand him. "Are you hurt, Nishimiya-san? And where are we anyway?"

Nishimiya huffed in disbelief, her eyes wide open in shock as she looked up and down at Kamo. She had been there, holding her hand on a large wound on his head. But now, he looked clear as the time before the competition starts.

It had started to rain this golden amber drop when this Maguro starts to sing earlier. People are dying and she sits there singing like a Cinderella. She had heard from rumours that she is Tokyo's new asset apart from Yuuta Okkotsu, being one of the rare few that could use a Reverse Cursed Technique. But singing? What's with that?

So, seeing her sitting there whilst Kamo is left bleeding out infuriates her.

Until she watches Maguro leaned down to kiss Inumaki Toge, the Cursed Speech User!!!!

Her face heated up, ashamed that image of them kissing kept rewinding itself in her head on auto repeat. How to get this thing to stop!?

She lifted both of her hands to cover her face but wait.


The scratches on her hands disappeared.

They're not there anymore.

The golden rain dripped on one particular scare on her hand, and it disappears as the golden liquid seeps into her skin.

As if it were never there to begin with.

Nishimiya Momo froze. Her Reverse Cursed Technique goes this far? Even to heal up years old scars?

She wanted to scream. Mai has got to see this. She has plenty of scars. She has got to get these!!


On the other side of the fight, Sukuna awakens.

"So, the last heir has awakened the Golden Barrier," the King of Curses chuckled. "The only one left who can reverse all my curses as long as the human remains alive. What luck to be alive now, Ita-boy. What luck! Hahahahaha!"

Destined to Collide - Inumaki TogeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant