7. Heart Flutters

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To celebrate Maguro joining their class, Satoru brings them out for dinner at a quaint little sushi restaurant the rest of the Second Years used to frequent. Having an unlimited black credit card, Satoru was always the one paying for dinner. This he does not mind. What's meal money compared to seeing the students grow?

And its lovely to see his students eats with gusto.

"Hai! Tuna Mayo sushi!" the sushi master called, placing the plate of sushi on the table between Inumaki and Maguro.

Two pairs of chopsticks reached for the Tuna Mayo sushi.

Violet eyes meet pools of greyish blue. Inumaki never really took the time to determine the colour of her eyes, but when he did, he finds their shades mesmerizingly beautiful.

Surprised, Maguro balked back with her chopsticks.

"I'm sorry, Inumaki-kun!" Maguro exclaimed, apologizing profusely. "I didn't quite realize what I'm doing when it comes to food. My hands just automatically go there! So sorry, Inumaki-kun!"

Flustered, Maguro pushed the Tuna Mayo sushi further away from her towards him and lowered her head, looking elsewhere with a flushed face.

"Tuna Mayo," (Cute,) Inumaki said out loud unconsciously without thinking. And apparently, Maguro wasn't focusing on him and actually tried her hardest to flood her mind with apologies, so she didn't hear his thoughts.

Thank god.

But she heard what he said out loud.

Earlier embarrassment forgotten in the span of seconds, Maguro turned towards him and asked, "You like Tuna Mayo?"

Inumaki blinked. Did she even know what she is asking? Indirectly asking if he likes her, that's more like it. But looking at her wide eyes awaiting his answers, he supposed she really popped a real simple question to enquire on his pallet.

Anyone would have guessed he liked Tuna Mayo. His mountain of light blue coloured plates previously serving Tuna Mayo sushi towering beside him are evidence enough.

"S-Shake," (Y-yes) Inumaki replied almost bashfully, scratching the back of his head awkwardly while averting his eyes from Maguro, chopsticks in one hand clipping like mad to quell his nerve. She's cute, and sweet. Of course he'd like her.

Not to mention she had his first kiss underwater, he recalled quietly. That cold soft lips. The way she gripped onto him desperately. The way her lips moved over his lips.

Inumaki glanced over at Maguro.

She stares back at him with a smile.

He almost felt his heart jump out of his ribcage. Praying hard she didn't just hear his thoughts, he quickly flooded his mind with Tuna Mayo, Tuna Mayo, Tuna Mayo, and Tuna Mayo.

Seeing his normally cool façade crumbling, Maguro smiled and said, "Tuna Mayo is my favourite too! I made sandwich with Tuna Mayo often enough. I'll give you some the next time I make them."

Satoru watches as the both of them interacts over sushi. Maguro was laughing at something Inumaki said and replied in a lengthy conversation.

"Sushi Master, one more Tuna Mayo please," Gojo-Sensei ordered. The sushi chef answered and quickly dished out the sushi and placed it in front of Maguro. She smiled at Gojo-sensei, thanked him, and begun to dig in with delight. Inumaki on the other hand, had on a rather gentle expression when he sees her with the Tuna Mayo sushi.

Unlike other jujutsus, clan power resides only within the bloodline. So long as the child is born with the blood of either parents belonging with the clan, the chance of them inheriting that power is an almost 50% guarantee.

But for her, this will be something that had never happened in the jujutsu world before.

An entire clan massacred by a Curse, and with no other bloodline left alive in the clan, she is the sole inheritor of the clan's jujutsu power. And out of all these, he had heard an innate natural ability of theirs that made them fearsome and famous a long time ago.

Their ability to Nullify and to Connect.

If the wish to, they can use these to, in a way, telepathically 'talks' to someone. People used to associate this power of theirs as being able to speak to ghosts and spirits. But in the jujutsu world, Tsukigamis are rumoured to be able to speak to the Afterlife spirits.

In another word, they would be a sort of Medium for the Living and the Afterlife. This allows them to be able to open minds to speak and to hear. He never found out how their Connect powers works, as they are quite secretive to their innate abilities and kept it amongst themselves.

This time, he will be able to see just how it works then.

Looking at Inumaki laughing with her, he suspects she had made a Connection with him. He smiled.

Out of all the people, she picked him to be the first, and out of all the students in the school, Inumaki met her first. Satoru mused to himself that Inumaki will probably realize later that he needed her ability more than he thinks.

Afterlife medium huh? Satoru thought to himself. He need not worry much about her then. Her ancestors will help her.

Afterall, she is the only one left alive in the Tsukigami line. They will come back from the Afterlife to help her survive.

Inumaki have been staring at Maguro for a while. He had long finished his meals and watches as Maguro ate plates after plates of Tuna Mayo sushi. He casually thought that she looked cute while eating.

Maguro casually glanced over to Inumaki and did a double turn when she realizes he is staring at her. Was it the Tuna Mayo sushi? Did he want one as well?

Picking one up with her chopsticks, Maguro lifted it and wanted to place it in his plate before her wrist was caught by him.

He didn't want it? Maguro thought.

She looked at him and wanted to pull her hand back, but he held still. Pulling down the zipper to his high collar, he lifted her wrist with the sushi still in her chopsticks towards his mouth and helpfully fed himself.

Maguro stared. She watches as he opens his mouth, revealing his pink tongue with the mark of power on it.

The Inumaki clan's Snake and Fang seal.

As the off whitehaired boy chews, the Snake and Fang seal by his mouth appears alive, as if winking at her.

"Thank you for the sushi, Maguro-chan," Inumaki smiled at her without saying anything, his cheeks blown huge while eating the sushi.

This marks the first time Maguro's heart fluttered. 

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