29. A Nullified Inumaki

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Training for the First Years starts right off the bat the next day. The competition day would be held in another 2 weeks. They need to train the First Years as much as they can before they are good enough to join.

And not die during the competition.

"Things gets rough in the competition," Panda said, scratching his chin with his great fluffy paw. "That's what we heard from the seniors anyway. We didn't get to join last year because of Okkotsu. He alone is good enough. Also, he scared the Kyoto students so much with Rika."

Nobara let out a loud war cry and rush right into Panda's open back. Panda side stepped her and chuckles when Nobara falls face first into the grass.

"Good one Nobara," Maki said. "But do it without the war cry."

On Fushiguro's side, he watches with amazement as Maguro avoided Inumaki's attacks swiftly without allowing him to touch a single strand of her hair. She had purposely let down her hair and tied them up in a long braid, to increase the chances of Inumaki catching her as well as training herself to remember pacing on a good distance between the enemy and herself.

And in this current case, Inumaki is the enemy.

"In my situation right now, Fushiguro," Maguro said in between jumps, taking care to speak quickly so as to prepare to jump the next time Inumaki strikes. "I am on defence- *avoid attack* at all times *jumps up into the air and landed behind Inumaki with a good distance* until I am needed in the fight."

Inumaki reaches towards her with his hand, knowing she will avoid it and added in a roundhouse kick towards the area he expected her to land in. She dropped straight down onto the grass and rolled away quickly before standing right back up in a stance to prepare another sudden attack from the off-white haired boy.

Who is now officially her boyfriend.

She smiled at the thought of him being her boyfriend. Yummy.

And till date, Inumaki didn't know how to tell her that at times, he can really hear her thoughts, and his ears heated up at her comment in her mind.

"This training incorporates all sorts of possibilities to avoid an attack. This will help to either buy your teammates time or buy yourself time to find an opportunity to run if your opponent is someone stronger than you," Maguro explained, before flipping backwards and away from Inumaki when he launched an attack at her from the sky.

Unzipping his high collar, Inumaki commanded with his Cursed Speech power, "Stop."

The effect was supposed to be immediate, and she is supposed to freeze, but she merely smiled at him and runs toward the tree.

Fushiguro blinked.

"She..." Fushiguro muttered in surprise. "She didn't..."

Wait. Was this the rumoured Nullifying ability of the Tsukigami clan?

He continues to watch in fascination as Maguro smiles brightly before taking off towards the stone steps. This must be it. She wasn't even fazed from Inumaki-senpai's Cursed Speech, which is powerful enough to earn him the Semi Grade-One Jujutsu Sorcerer's level. It was as if nothing even happened.

It was as if he just spoke out normally.

The training is to win by touching the tree nearest to the stone stairways. Nobara couldn't even leave the grassy plains of the training fields before Panda caught her foot and swings her in the air. Fushiguro smiled. Everyone knows how fast Inumaki is in speed and endurance. Maguro couldn't stand the chance to best him yet.

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