53. Inumaki's Teasings

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There were many injured students that day. And it provided Maguro with the right place to use her techniques on. Maguro was to meet up with the rest of them at the gathering point and heal up the injuries that require dire attention.

The Fire Wolf came right up towards them and uses one of its tails to swipe Maguro's hair from her face. "Lady, are you alright?"

Nishimiya Momo gave a small scream upon seeing the Fire Wolf. She's afraid of all pawed creatures. Nobody paid heed on her small scream. After all, it wasn't every time you get to see a tailed guardian strutting around the school's compound, more so a Fire Wolf at that.

The Fire Wolf snorted into Maguro's hair upon hearing the scream. "Looks like something happened along the way."

10 minutes earlier...

Inumaki runs as fast as he could to reach their friends needing her help, while Maguro slowly wakes up from her fatigue earlier.

The first thing that Maguro sees when she opens her eyes is the Snake and Fang mark around his mouth. Loveliest moving picture she has ever seen on a person. She never did tell Toge the marks around his mouth made him looked so good it made her want to kiss him more. It's like a beckoning mark for her, a come-hither thing.

A 'Come here, Maguro' thing.

She smiled at the memory. Of him calling her to him during the training, and how electrifyingly alive she felt when he did that. She almost giggled as well, but were she not in this situation, she might have just gone all out with stupid smiles and giggles in a package. She realizes she used too much of her power and Chi from her soul. Must not let Toge find out about this.

Raising her finger up, she gently touches the Snake and Fang marks around his mouth with the pads of her fingers and smiled. So handsome, she thought to herself.

Toge smiled immediately.

Oh shit, he can hear me, Maguro chided herself more quietly, taking note to control her thoughts. Hopefully he didn't hear the earlier one.

He looked down at her in respond and smiled that blindingly bright and handsome smile. Even with her in his arms and running at full speed, he appears just alright without looking tired.

No doubt now about him having great stamina endurance.

Inumaki got the group to stop for a while at a vending machine to get her water. She felt more awake after the drink, thanking him for that. He smiled and wiped a drop of water from her lips.

He resumed carrying Maguro in his arms up till the gathering point. At first, Maguro protested, but he argued back that she is to conserve most of her energy for the mass healing later as there are a few of them that had grave injuries. She didn't say anything else anymore and quietly circled her arms around his neck, biting her lips.

Sensing her feeling down, he thought out to her as he ran. "You're not a burden, Maguro. You're not."

That made Maguro snapped her head up. How did he...

Inumaki merely smirked, a corner of his lips tugging upwards when he felt her eyes on him. "You're my girlfriend."

The instant flush came back up. Inumaki laughed.

"We're almost there," Inumaki smiled at her as he speaks to her though thought, bouncing her up in his arms to keep her closer to him. "Are you alright now?"

Maguro gripped the front of his shirt and hummed a reply, nodding in response. "And thank you, koi. But I have to disagree with your earlier opinion."

"?" Maguro blinked, looking up adorably at Inumaki. "What earlier opinion?"

He smiled at her and thought out to her. "You're the beautiful one. You're so lovely you make me want to lock you up all day-" Inumaki, making sure to lock eyes with Maguro, slowly slip out his tongue and revealed the mark on his tongue to her, licking the top part of his lips and continued, "-in my room, in my arms."

Smack. A very loud smack. And a squeal.

Maguro slapped both her hands on her face so hard to cover the embarrassment spreading rapidly across her face that it literally vibrated her brain inside her skull.

"Toge-kunnnn," Maguro called, her palms covering her face muffling the name to the two Kyoto students falling behind. He has never teased her this much before.

Inumaki chuckled, delighted with her reaction, and lifted her up even closer to him and held her up higher to his shoulder. Easier to run, and this should give her enough time to cool down and let his message sinks in.

That he wants her.

Win-win situation, Inumaki smiled, hugging her tighter around the waist as he runs.

"Oh, hello there. I'm Noritoshi Kamo, from the Kamo Clan. You are Tsukigami Maguro, yes?" a voice asked her in a friendly way.

Inumaki twitched his eyes. Damn Kamo. He picked up speed and ran faster to create more distance between him and the Kyoto side.

Maguro opened her eyes and looked through the gap between her fingers.

"Oh, you're the Kyoto senpai that fainted on the roof," Maguro piped up, remembering him laying spread eagled on the roof not far from Toge. "Hello, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks to you," Kamo replied to her with a smile. Then he saw her smile. Ahh, like a sunflower blooming across the fields of sunflower amidst the bright rays of morning sunshine-

"And I am Nishimiya Momo!" Momo interrupted and smacked Kamo's thoughts, knowing her partner has already gone to a land of his own. "I saw what you did back there, and I'm going to tell him!"

Momo said with a finger pointed towards Inumaki's platinum blonde hair. Were she not using her wobbly broom to fly, she would have had to run, and everyone knew she wasn't that good at stamina at all.

Noritoshi Kamo sighed.

She would have shamed herself in front of all these people with great stamina with her tired pants.

Maguro wasn't entirely focusing on what Momo had just said. Her eyes were straight up staring at her knobbly, tired-looking broom. She thought that the poor thing looked plenty worn out.

"Can you run? Your broom looks tired," Maguro blurted out, looking up and down towards the broom, then at Momo's face, then back at the broom again.

Kamo wanted to laugh. Momo has the worst stamina amongst them all in Kyoto, more so in the Tokyo branch side. He did tell her to buck up and train more, but she bragged that she could just fly on her broom without having to work out a single drop of sweat.

And comparing between them two and Inumaki Toge, they failed miserably in terms of stamina.

Inumaki Toge is most famous for his endurance and great cursed energy. Being very athletic grants him great stamina, and this was shown in how easily he keeps the Kyoto students behind in a good distance without breaking into a sweat, even with Maguro in his arms. Kamo is already sweating profusely underneath his thick uniform garb.

Now, the truth comes back to slap at her face hard. She wouldn't have thought that there would be someone here in the Tokyo side to be able to render her broom into this sad state with a Cursed Doll Technique. Maguro's words came just at the right time. Hopefully this time, Momo will buck up and train up for real.

"Ikura," Inumaki called to them and breaks the conversation, slowly slowing down to a light jog. Arriving at the gathering point, Inumaki shifted Maguro back down into his arms and carried her bridal style.

He seems to find himself to like carrying her like this. He liked how Maguro's hand would just either circle his shoulder or grab the front of his shirt. Damn, he liked everything she does to him. Her small hands, her attention on him, those lovely doe eyes staring up at him.

Must. He must officialise their relationship soon. Wouldn't want to lose her to some other sorcerer family.

Namely, Noritoshi Kamo. Inumaki smirked, mentally blacklisting him from all future occurrence and gatherings.

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