33. Angry Inumaki

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"I slipped. Off the stone post," Maguro answered Inumaki, shrinking away from him and side stepped towards Fushiguro. Despite his rather mild outburst, she knew he is actually furious. She had never really seen an angry Inumaki before, but now that it really happens, she really couldn't help but to blush.

Angry Inumaki is sexy. Very very sexy. Like a bad boy type of sexy.

Wait, wait wait! Stop thinking, stop thinking, stop thinking! He'll hear my thoughts!

Damn them hormones. Only flaring up whenever anything Inumaki-related comes to mind.

She took her chance to glance behind her where Inumaki stood. And furious he is. He did ask her to wait downstairs, so why is she up here now? Call her stubborn, but she really wanted to help out.

And watch the brawl.

Inumaki could only seethes angrily as he stood there watching her rolling up her sleeves and flexes her fingers. His best bet is that she doesn't want to be left out of the 'good show', that's how she get this idea of following them up through the route they used.

Baka Maguro, he thought quietly to himself. Panda and him are second year students here at the college. They're used to the college grounds and know which part to step on and avoid the slippery side. He almost wanted to smack his forehead. She must have followed them up here with the same route.

Not to mention the beast appeared when she is in peril.

She almost died just now, didn't she? That's why the beast appeared.

That's what triggered her Netherworld Guardian.

"Tuna, ikura? Okaka?! (Maguro, how did it happened? Did you try to come up here on your own?!) Inumaki asked, going up towards the railings and looked down.

It was a very long distance from here to the ground. She must have tried to climb up here like they did. Double Baka Maguro. You could have snapped your neck there! Inumaki thought quietly to himself. Stairs. She must have slipped off the stairs.

Maguro nodded her head and begun healing Fushiguro from his injuries. "I did. I remembered how you and Panda jumped up here, so I tried the same way. It worked for a bit, until I slipped off that stupid stone post there. Lost my balance, I think."

That's it. There it is. She admitted. But stone post?

The whitehaired second-year student closes his eyes in disbelief. She must have copied exactly the way they jumped up here.

"O-ka-ka?" (You lost, your, what?) Inumaki spelled it out slowly in disbelief. He knew her life was in danger just now but lost her balance? This is a 15 floor building! She didn't opt for the stairs?!

"Well, thanks to that, my guardian was awakened," Maguro continued to yap away as she steadily heals up Fushiguro, while the latter watches in amazement as his wounds closes up quickly. He never could get over just how amazing Reverse Cursed Energy is and stares at the golden glow emitting from Maguro's hands. "I got to tell Gojo-sensei about this. He should be happy enough to know that I have a guardian to guard me from death now. So I guess he will allow me more freedom to go to town on my own or something..."

And that is when he noticed the rather murderous aura of Inumaki Toge hovering nearby. Looking up, he gulped. "M-Maguro-senpai..."

Naturally, Maguro ignored him.

"I mean, there are some stuffs that you can only get in Tokyo. I wanted some me time too. I used to like shopping alone, until that thing happened to my family and that's the last of it. Gojo-sensei wouldn't even let me step out of the college without making me swear I'd at least bring a Cursed Corpse Doll from Principle Yaga's collection out with me. I once got a giant bunny twice my size following me around, and people kept taking pictures of me and the bunny, thinking that there's a human inside traipsing around as a bunny! They're trapping me here, did you know that Fushiguro-kun!!?"

"Maguro-senpai, you really need to stop talking," Fushiguro said, watching as Inumaki edges closer to her. The aura he emits feels scary enough that Fushiguro started to cold sweat under the hot sun.

"Okaka?" (Lost your balance, isn't it?) Inumaki repeated, his eyes narrowed at Maguro as she finishes up the healing on Fushiguro.

"Hmm?" Maguro hummed, not realizing Inumaki is like a boiling pot about to boil over. With a pat on his arm, Maguro exclaimed, "All done!"

"Thank you, Maguro-senpai," Fushiguro said, then decided to add after he scooted away from them a little. "And I think you should be careful a little. Inumaki-senpai didn't look too happy with that news of you jumping around."

"Ikura?" (You done?) Inumaki asked in his thought from behind her. Maguro smiled at her handiwork on Fushiguro, appearing satisfied with her effort and nodded. "Ikura, (Then let's go, Maguro,)" Inumaki thought back seriously, advancing towards her without another word. Maguro felt herself got turned sharply towards him, with just enough time given for her to comprehend the situation a little and watch him bent down suddenly in front of her.

He wrapped an arm around the back of her legs then lifted her up on his shoulder.

"T-Toge-kun!" Maguro exclaimed in surprise, grabbing onto his shoulder so as to not topple over. "Toge-kun! Put me down! Put me down this instance, Toge-kun!"

"Not until I allow you to, Maguro," Inumaki said, holding her securely on his shoulders and jumped off the railing expertly. "This way, you won't lose your balance."

Fushiguro didn't even get to say goodbye. All he got is Maguro's screams as they descended from the topmost building to the grassy ground below. 

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