87. The Revelation

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A/N: Look at that picture. Inumaki looks so good with red liners. 

The man with white hair and a blindfold smiled at her and clapped his hands together to get the attention of everybody in the hall.

"Everyone, this is supposed to be a private matter, but since Ms. Kawai Junior here made a huge fuss about this just to taint my student's good name, I'm left with no choice but to reveal some things to clear things up a bit," Gojo Satoru said, fishing out a handkerchief from his front pocket and flicked it at Toge.

Voice dropping down a notch in reminder of how serious he is, he continued and pulled up one side of his blindfold with a threatening glare at Nina, "But I'll have you know that you will bear the responsibility to keep all things quiet afterwards, and I will not hesitate to come for your necks should I hear whispers of this event outside of the Inumaki clan."

Nina seethes angrily. It wasn't fair that this girl appeared out of nowhere, taking over her friend's dead identity and living so happily whilst her real friend is 6 feet underneath dirt patches in the graveyard. Maguro always told her that the girl she often saw at the Tsukigami manor ground was just someone in the family, but whenever Nina asks her any other things about the girl, Maguro would clamp up, saying something along the lines like, "She's just someone in my uncle's family. We don't associate much. Let's not bother with her."

But now, the real Maguro is the one who is dead.

"What do you-" Nina started, but was interrupted by the impossibly tall, whitehaired and blindfolded guy literally with one palm stopped right in front of her face. He didn't appear too happy with her.

"She's not Maguro, and that is a fact, yes, thank you for pointing it out," Gojo Satoru said, turning towards Maguro. His poor student. Ieiri would be so angry if she were to hear about how her student got shamed in public like this. No doubt he'd get smacked by Ieiri if she could do it, but really, he should be here sooner.

He went off to buy some snacks for his students, expecting some happy greetings like little chicks flocking to a mother hen.

He clearly did not expect a nutcase screaming off her head against his precious student.

"She's not lying too when she said she is Tsukigami Maguro," Gojo said casually, sitting down right next to Maguro and Toge. Toge had Maguro wrapped safely in his arms, gently running his fingers in her hair to calm her down as she hiccupped in his arms and grabbing onto the handkerchief Gojo had thrown to Toge for her. "She's been living as Tsukigami Maguro in the Jujustushiki's world for a while now. This is for her safety, and a choice she chooses to sentimentally keep "Maguro" alive. You, on the other hand, should had someone called Tsukigami Kaguya instead in school, which brings us to this question – how did you know that one as Maguro and not Kaguya?"

Everyone had a look of pure confusion on their face. The theory that Maguro is not the real Maguro, and yet the real Maguro is not really...wait what?

Everyone but Gojo Satoru smiled.

"Confusing, isn't it?" Gojo chuckled at how Nina literally had her mouth hanging wide open, then close, then open again like a fish out of water because of how confusing it is right now. He leaned down to Nina's level and asked her, "Do you know why it's confusing?

Nina remains rooted to the spot and stared up at the towering man. Unbelievably handsome, that he is, but he's incredibly intimidating as well. That aura around him is undeniably fatal if he wishes to. She didn't know what she wanted to feel right now – choosing to feel angry at the fake Maguro first, or fear at the powerful Gojo Satoru breathing down at her from that pedestal a normal human like her will never dream of reaching.

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