Chapter 30-- Broken Beyond Repair

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Jane's P.O.V

I wanted to surprise him with lunch since he didn't have breakfast before leaving home, I guess he had another thing in mind.

What do I do?

What do I say?

This isn't the first time but this is so different.

Why does it feel like I've been crushed by the weight of the world?

Why do I feel breathless?

No way, he wouldn't do that to me. Liam wouldn't.

I think my eyes are deceiving me. I should probably step out. Yeah, I should.

I didn't even bother to use the elevator. I just need to get some air, my head is feeling light.

I used the stairs, which were a long way down, but I didn't feel it.

I don't know what I feel.

When I got outside of the company, I jumped right into the busy city, moving along with the crowd forgetting the fact that I brought my car.

I can't breathe. I don't feel myself breathing.

Liam wouldn't. He loves me.

I walked until my legs got tired, then I stopped. I recalled everything I saw and realization hit me so hard, giving me a name for exactly what he did. Tears rolled down my eyes, my mind in disbelief, but my brain telling me I saw right.

When I finally got a grip, I stopped a cab.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asked. I don't even know where to go.

"Please drive," I pleaded. He drove off, and I busted into tears.

How could he do this?

Not again, not him. Why do I have to be the one they always cheat on? First, it was Luke, and now Liam. The one I trust the most and love the most.

I just don't want to believe this. Not after loving him and giving him all of me.

"Please take me to Nolita," I managed to say in tears, giving him Arie's address.

"I know it's none of my business but it looks like you just lost someone precious to you," The cab driver said.

"Yeah, I did and I think I losing myself too," I replied, and he handed me some tissues.

"I'm sorry for your loss. You will be okay, kiddo. Nothing lasts forever, and that includes pain," He added. "Thanks," I said, blowing my nose.

I checked my phone to see 30 missed calls and 10 messages, all from Liam.

I texted Arie to meet me in her apartment.

It's like he ripped out my heart, smashed it with his shoes a hundred times, and drove over it again. Broken beyond repair.

I gave him everything in me. I loved him with my heart, my body, every fiber. What else do I give to him? What else does he want?

I called Aiden this afternoon just to avoid fights with Liam. How stupid must I have been to believe someone like him would change for me?

The cab finally stopped. I paid him before stepping out. I look through my purse to check if I still have the keys to the apartment.

I slumped down as soon as I entered and let it all out.

"Why Liam, why..." I whispered.

Arie unlocked the door and ran to me.

"Jane, what happened?" She asked and sat beside me. "It happened again Arie," I said with a broken heart and she pulled me close to her.

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