Chapter 3-- First impression

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It's so amazing when someone comes into your life and you expect nothing out of it but suddenly there right in front of you is everything you ever need.

Jane's P.O.V

"I don't like it," The C.E.O. said candidly.

Okay, that's it.

This guy is getting on my nerves. First, he seemed to be distracted instead of paying attention to the presentation, then he asked me to start all over again. And now he doesn't like the presentation. He is allowed to give his feedback, but he should at least let me finish.

What the hell!

I know he's my boss, but he doesn't have to be a jerk.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"I apologize for wasting your time. My team and I will try to do a better job with the design." I said while staring at him making him narrow his eyes.

"I don't want a better design, Ms. Collins. I want a perfect theme that puts together all that we do here in Greenwood Corps. I want just a single theme that can make people understand all we do in one picture, without it looking like a unicorn throwing up on it. I'm not sure you and your so-called team are capable of giving me that. I thought you were 'the perfectionist', but then again a perfectionist can be so focused on getting the job done they miss the point of the task" He said coldly.

I bit my tongue so as not to curse him out. Trust me he's tempting me. The only thing stopping me is the fact that he's my boss and one of the richest young men in the world. I love my Job. I don't want to put myself in trouble.

Thank God for professional etiquette.

I get it if he doesn't approve, but he doesn't have to be rude.

"I believe I can prove to you how capable I am sir. I promise you that this won't happen again." I said, nodding my head. He turned his attention to his laptop, disregarding me.

"Who is the next person? I don't have all day" He said, dismissing me. I closed my laptop and walked to my seat.

When I got to my seat I folded my arms like a little girl who didn't get a cookie, then Kent from Public Relations stood up and started his presentation.

The meeting went on and on.

"Okay, I guess that's all. I'd like for you guys to work on the new project as a team. I'm expecting a great result. Thanks, that will be all." He said cockily making me groan silently.

"Thank God," I murmured.

I checked my watch to see what the time says. 4:56 pm, Oh my god we had a meeting for like four hours. Wow, time to go. I went back to my office to get my things. I packed my laptop, carried my bag, shut down my computer, and took out my car key.

I was on my way to the elevator when I heard my name. I twirled my head to see Arie walking towards me. "Jane, are you okay?" She asked.

I'm confused, why wouldn't I be?

"I'm okay. Why do you ask" I gave a little smile. "Uh... you know. All that tension between you and Mr. Greenwood. Did you offend him or something, he only picked on you during the meeting. Have you guys met before?" She asked showing how curious she was.

"Oh! That... um...I don't understand why or what he did that for. But I'm so sure this is my first time seeing him. Well, I'm okay. I just need to do a better job or should I say a perfect job. That's all" I smiled at her.

"Sweetie, the idea was awesome and the design is beautiful. I know you are capable of doing it. You got this!" She encouraged me. I nodded and smiled again.

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