Chapter 41--Prayers

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Liam's P.O.V
They wheeled Jane to the Emergency room. Immediately a doctor relieved the paramedic and replaced him by performing CPR.

"Hurry up, she is losing too much blood," I heard one of them say. Two other doctors followed and they helped wheel her into the surgery.

Everything around me is a blur. My whole world was falling apart.

I could only hear myself breathing out loud.

John walked towards me, snapping me out of my daze.

"I'm sorry, we had to go get to Ian first. We shouldn't have underestimated them," He said regretfully.

"Where's my son?" I asked in a brittle voice.

"He's with the doctor," He answered.

I immediately turn my head towards him. "What do you mean? Did something happen to him?" I asked frantically, holding John's arms.

"Calm down, he's fine. They're just doing some check," He explained. I let out a breath.

"She's here because of me..." I cried out. "Hey man, it's not your fault. We came late and I'm so sorry about that. She's gonna be fine," He said.

I sat down on the chair in the waiting room, thinking about everything. Regretting the fact that I brought her back into my world. If she wasn't back, she would be safe. I would rather have that and be alone forever than let her be in this situation.

I look up just to see the news on TV. I wasn't interested in it not until I heard my name and my attention went back to it. The Local news is covering it. They showed the SWAT team and the police still at the old factory.

How in the world did they find out about this? It's just been an hour or so. How did they know about this? How did they know my family was involved?

"We received heartbreaking news this evening concerning Liam Greenwood, the C.E.O. of Greenwood Corp. Liam's girlfriend, who happens to be the mother of his child, was kidnapped along with their son. This is the same Jane Collins, daughter of Patrick Collins, his Ex-fiance. They broke up five years ago, a few days before their wedding. They have a four-year-old son, and they recently got back together. But the shocking news was that the mother and son were kidnapped by someone who happens to have a grudge against Liam Greenwood. His identity hasn't been confirmed to us yet," The lady said and showed a video of police officers at the scene.

"It was confirmed that someone was shot by the suspect not too long ago. We know for sure it wasn't Liam. A video of Liam running towards the ambulance surfaced," She stopped and another video showed up.

"Unfortunately, It was his girlfriend that was shot. We don't know her condition at the moment, but we heard it rather critical," The other guy at the scene continued. "How tragic. How is it going over there?" She directed the question at the guy at the scene.

"Things are pretty tight here. We are trying our best to canvass some people here at the crime scene. It's really sad. I mean they just got back together after five years. I'm pretty sure they were looking forward to a bright future together. Why would someone want to hurt them? They all seem like a pretty good family who has done a lot for this city, this country, and the economy. I hope they make it through this hard time. I'm sending my prayers to them," He replied.

"Same here, Harvey. Thank you for keeping us posted. Alright, folks, for more updates stay tuned," She said facing the screen.

What the Hell?!

I turn my head to face John.

"What just happened? How in the world did this get to the screen?" I asked indignantly.

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