Chapter 40-- Meet my brother, Harrison

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Liam's P.O.V
I followed the address on the flip phone. It led me to an old factory. This was the old factory we used to hang out with our friends when we were younger.

I got out of the car and walked towards the entrance. My heart can't help but beat fast, knowing my brother is the most ruthless and dangerous person I've ever met.

Two guys with guns walked toward me to search me. I put my hands up in the air and let them search me. They took my phone, my keys, my wallet, and the flip phone. There were at least twenty guys surrounding that building. They took me to a room with bright Neon Lights and tied me down.

"Where is Harrison? I want to see Harrison," I demanded but they ignored me.

The door opened and Harrison walked in with a big smile on his stupid face.

"Hello brother," He said with a smirk. He sat on the chair in front of me.

"Wow! It's been how many years now? Eight years? You've grown up little brother. The last time I saw you, you were so young. Well, so was I. We are in our 30s now. Last month was my birthday, I had a little celebration with myself. Do you still remember my birthday?" He kept asking rhetorical questions.

I gritted my teeth, wanting nothing but to punch him in the face.

"Harrison, where is my wife and my son? If anything happens to them, I promise you brother, I will be the one to end you. I should have done that eight years ago," I said angrily, trying to free myself. He kept laughing hysterically.

"Isn't that cute?" He asked his minions while laughing.

"Hold on, I thought she was your girlfriend. Am I missing something? Oh yeah, the ring. You are quite possessive. You've always been. You know, you never cease to amaze me," He added.

His smile is replaced with a serious expression.

"Why don't we bring your 'wife' here and get to business," He snickered. One of the guys left.

The door opened and Jane was brought in with her hands tied to the back.

She looked pale and scared. "Jane!" I breathe out. She saw me and her eyes lit up but were replaced with a frown and confusion immediately.

He sat her beside me but not close to me. I wanted to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

"Ah, you two look cute together. I think she's too good for you. You don't deserve someone as good as her. No, you don't even deserve anyone. You know, I've been watching your every move since you locked me up. I've been waiting for the right time to catch you off guard. I might have been locked up, but I have eyes everywhere. People giving me information every day," He said.

His face is completely blank.

"Liam, what's going on? Who is he?" Jane asked, her voice full of fear. I couldn't say or do anything.

"Oh my... She doesn't know about me? You never told her about me? Shocker... Well, I've always been a disappointment to the family since you were born. Looks like you two have a lot to talk about. Why don't we give you two space to talk, right brother?" He chuckled. He stood up and left with his minions.

I turned my head to look at Jane. I could read different kinds of emotions in her eyes. I couldn't say a word. I didn't know where to start.

"I'm waiting," She said angrily.

"Look, Jane, I'll explain later. We don't have time," I replied.

"Oh, I think we have all the time in the world here. He's your brother and you didn't tell me. No one told me. There is no trace of him," She said angrily, but I didn't reply.

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