Chapter 20-- The first date

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Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much and go with your heart.

Jane's P.O.V

He sat up and faced me, I did the same. He took my hands. "I want you. I'm ready. I want you to give me a chance. I want to know more about you, your favorite things, things you would like to do. I want to call you my girl. I want you to go out with you," He said looking straight into my eyes.

What do I say, my mouth is not moving!

Did Liam just ask me out?

"Jane, say something, anything... It's okay if want to think about it," He snapped me out of my thoughts.

I stopped thinking and kissed him. He smiled kissing me and pulled me closer to him.

He smiled from ear to ear making me blush.

"I'll take that as a Yes," He said before giving me another breathtaking kiss. He sat me on his lap while kissing me with passion. I pulled away when I remembered he was sick.

"What?" Liam asked. "I better not get sick, or else," I asserted and folded my arms. He raised his eyebrows and mouthed 'Oh'. "Sorry..." He voiced sincerely, and I got off his lap.

"So... I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 pm. I'll take you on our first official date," Liam said. "Where are we going?" I asked adjusting my top. Liam followed my hands with his eyes and stopped at my boobs, not planning to take his eyes off.

"Uhm... hello, eyes up here," I said waving my hands. He finally looked up. I shook my head while he smiled. Perv.

"Uhm... what was your question?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. I smacked him on his arm playfully. "You're unbelievable," I said and he chuckled.

"Would it be cheesy if I said it's a surprise," He said, lying on his bed facing me. I put on my heels and carried my bag. "I think it's time for me to go," I replied, checking my watch that says 2 p.m. Time passes by so fast.

Liam sat up quickly to pull me close to him. "No, please don't go. I'm not okay yet," He spoke out, placing my palm on his forehead. "Here check it, see? Do you want to leave me like this?" I couldn't hold back my laughter any longer.

He looks so cute. He's like a child when he pouts. "Sorry Mr., I'm not your doctor," I replied smiling.

"I have things to do at home," I added. "Than me?' He asked seductively making me laugh out loud.

"Okay, things like what?" He asked looking straight into my eyes. "I need to call my mom, my sister, Arie, and Greg. I want to hear their voices. I miss them," I sighed, sitting beside Liam. He didn't say anything.

We both sat on his bed looking at the beautiful city through his huge window.

"Your birthday is in a few months, right?" Liam asked out of nowhere. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Just wanted to make sure. Come on, let's take you home," He took my hand before standing up. I followed his lead.

"Are you sure about that? You're not feeling fine. And I brought my car," I said when we got to the living room. "I'm okay. Can I drive your car?" He asked. I opened my purse and gave him the key.

"How are you going to get back?" I asked.

"Baby, you should know by now that I don't go anywhere without John. He's gonna drive my car," He replied cockily. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him, and he smiled.

He opened the door for me like a gentleman. I mouthed 'Thank you'.

"So... From now on, we are in a relationship," He said with a sweet smile. He planted a kiss on my cheeks. I couldn't stop blushing. I feel like a teenager again.

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