Chapter 5-- New and Old

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Even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life. You can take your words and all your lies.

Demi Lovato

Jane's P.O.V

I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning I did about an hour of workout at the gym on the first floor of my apartment. I should stop calling it my apartment. It's more like a temporary dorm until I go back to Chicago.

I made something to drink and got ready for work. I decided to go with a black fitted dress. I added a yellow blazer, a black plump, and my black YSl purse.

I was on my way to the kitchen to get my smoothie out of the fridge when I heard my phone ring. I opened my purse and picked up my phone. "Hello," I answered. "Are you ready? Come down, we are waiting for you outside" Liam said and hung up.

How did he get my phone number?

I picked up my purse, locked the door, and rushed towards the elevator. When I got out I saw a different black luxurious car, not a limousine this time. John opened the door for me.

"Good morning Ms. Collins," John said with his nice smile. "Good morning and please call me Jane" I smiled while entering the car.

"Good morning" Liam greeted without looking at me. He was busy typing away on his phone. "How did you get my number?" I asked him. He looked up from his phone staring at me with cold eyes.

"No Good morning. How I got your number isn't relevant, you work for me. Getting your number is the easiest thing. And you're late. This is New York, you need to get to work before 8 a.m. Am I clear?" He said showing how displeased he was.

"Yes sir. This is only temporary right? There might be some misunderstanding. I am a manager, not an assistant. It's a great career, but I went to school for something else. I don't understand this kind of demotion. Please tell me this is just a joke." I said, hoping he would tell me it was a prank to get back at me.

He scoffed. "I don't play pranks. This is your new title, but don't worry I'm not heartless enough to cut your pay. You will be paid the same rate with other bonuses. This is your new reality, Jane. And if you decide to quit, I can assure you I'll see to it that you never get a job in this country or anywhere else." He said with a smirk on his face.

This is a nightmare. Someone, please wake me up. I just had to mess with a brat who only likes 'Yes' men.

The car came to a stop. I opened the door and got out. Liam also got out of the car, facing me. "Next time wait for John to open the door," He said while adjusting his tie.

"Why is that so important? I don't need anyone to open the door for me. My hands are perfectly fine," I said making him stare at me like I said the dumbest thing in the world.

"Just follow me, " He said walking towards the revolving door. I followed his steps. We got into the elevator and the ride was quiet. We got off the elevator when we got to our floor. I noticed people staring at us. Most of the young females were checking Liam out, but the moment they saw me they stared at me with distaste like I was one of his one-night stands. Some others smiled at me making me smile back.

We got to an empty office and Liam turned to me.

"This is your office. Whenever I call you, I want you in my office immediately. We are having a meeting in five minutes. I want to introduce you to some of the employees," He said and left without waiting for a reply. What's wrong with him this morning? The Liam I met in Chicago is back.

I dropped my bag and arranged my picture frames, I brought my mom's picture, my sister and her family, and the picture I took with my best friends.

When it was time for the meeting, I took my iPad along with me. I rushed towards Liam's office. I was about to knock when he came out. He stared at me for a second with the same unreadable face. "Let's go," He said and walked towards the conference room without blinking, I followed behind him.

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