Chapter 37--New Fling

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Jane's P.O.V
I'm contemplating starting my new Job tomorrow after that dumb stunt Liam pulled this morning.

Liam just ruins everything every time we try to get together.

Indeed, I don't need a job. I have the money and real estate Inherited from my grandfather, the trust fund I got from my dad, and the investments I've made over the years. I'm yet to touch my trust fund, and I'm not sure I want to.

I already used up my savings to pay off my student loans. But I enjoy working. I finally found a job with a good work-life balance.

I seriously don't know what to do. I had the best night in five years. I was happy to be in his arms again, but he had to ruin it with his selfishness.

That man drives me crazy.

Last night was awesome. We stayed up all night. He couldn't keep his hands off me. I couldn't keep mine off him. He sure knows how to make a lady feel like the most precious thing in the world.

It was probably another night for him. I bet he has been treating all the ladies like that since I left. He had the guts to tell me he would find a stepmother for my son and replace me with his bimbos.

ME?! That bastard.

No one is gonna replace me. NEVER!

"Okay, Jane forget him. There is no way on earth you're getting back with him. He doesn't love you the way you want to be loved. He doesn't deserve you. I think it's time you move on," I said to myself out loud.

I know exactly what to do to keep Liam out of my mind. I'll go on a date or two.

"Yes, a date. I need to start taking other guys seriously not the way I was in France. That's exactly what I need. You can't be single forever. I need to start doing something for myself," I said to myself again.

Now I'm talking to myself.

I'll start working tomorrow till I get another job. If I have time, I'll try out dating apps. It can't be that bad. It shouldn't be hard.

I'll just go out this weekend while Ian is with his dad. That would keep my mind off Liam's drama. There's no harm in having fun.

You got this girl!


It's Wednesday and it's my second day at work. My boss won't stop acting too friendly towards me and it's all Liam's fault.

I can't stay here any longer.

Luckily, Laila got a babysitter for me. She knows how badly I needed one. She introduced me to one of the babysitters she knew. Her name is Lindy, she's a nice kid. She just finished High school. She wanted to stay a year or two at home before going to college. She's trying to save up to help her parents. I trust her with my son and my apartment.

She comes before I go to work and leaves when I get back. Ian still has a month before starting his preschool. He's a smart kid and he's good with people.

My baby is gonna start school. I can't believe it.

After work, I decided to stop by a convenience store nearby before taking a cab home. I didn't want to be late, so I didn't take my car.

I entered a nearby store store, thinking of what to get them. Maybe I should get some chocolate or cookies. Ian likes both.

I saw a pack of homemade cookies. I took one of them and started checking the date, and ingredients before deciding. I was still checking it when I heard a deep, sexy voice beside me.

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