Chapter 24-- Say the words

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Jane's P.O.V

The talk I had with my father yesterday went better than I imagined. It was emotional. He accepted his mistakes and asked for forgiveness.

I told him about Julie and her family. I can't believe my father cried when I mentioned Louis. He blamed himself for Louis' death. I don't know if I should believe him and forgive him.

He said he wanted to talk to my mom and Julie. All I did was wish him the best of luck with that. My stepmother and her daughter weren't there when I went to meet my father. They left for Chicago the very night of the party.

I spent almost all day talking to my father.

Now, I need to find a way to talk to my mom and my sister. I know Ryan, Julie's husband, can help me with Julie. He's the only person she listens to. My grandma is also mad at my father, so I don't think I can ask her to talk to Mom.

I can't even focus on work. I have been so stressed.

"Okay Jane, forget about everything and just focus. You have projects to work on, things to update, and so many emails to reply to,". I said to myself. Honestly, the reason why I love this job is because I love the people I have around me. And I get to see Liam every day. I do miss my old job because I was passionate about it.

Speaking of Liam, he hasn't stepped out of his office all day. I wonder what's wrong with that guy. I should check on him.

I stood up and walked towards his office. I knocked on the big double door, and I heard his voice. Liam wasn't looking good at all. I mean he's always handsome no matter what, but he looked so stressed.

"Liam, are you okay?" I asked. He stopped looking at the documents in his hands and looked up to meet my gaze.

"Hey, yeah I'm okay," He said tiredly.

"You expect me to believe that?" I asked, sitting down in front of him.

"We lost a huge contract. I just don't know how it happened. Remember, we were looking forward to it. We put in a lot of effort and spent some money. This can affect the company, we spent money on new equipment confident in the fact that we were going to get it. I know we are going to recover, but it was unexpected. It just had me thinking what if I have something else going on the side, you know just to make this company grow larger? I can do something that can be truly mine and not my parents or grandparents. I think I need to create something different other than what this company is based on that can also help the company. Do you understand what I mean," He rambled.

"Okay, first, breathe. Can you do that?" I approach him.

He heaved a sigh and let out a breath.

"Good. Look I understand, but you are working tirelessly to take this company to a whole different level, further than what your father did. This Legacy was started by your family, many generations ago, which is how this company started. Until it was passed to your father. Your dad continued the Legacy. He made it what it is today and now it's passed on to you. I'm sure you are going to make it ten times better than they did. You have it in you," I said making him sigh again.

"I know. I just don't want to disappoint them, Jane. That's why I want something new, something refreshing. Something different, but can also help the company. I want to show my father that I can be that person," He continued.

"Liam, I'm sure he's proud of you. But if you want something of your own, how about a hotel? Restaurants, resorts, and things like that? It's different from what the company is about but at the same time there is something in common." I suggested.

"Good idea, why didn't I think of that," He said grinning. He stood up and walked towards me. "Probably because you've been stressing yourself too much. You need to relax and just do your thing. It doesn't take a genius to think of things like that," I replied. He sat on his desk, facing me.

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