chapter 4 - Obsession

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When you're alone all by yourself, And you're lying in your bed. Reflection stares right into you. Are you happy with yourself?

- Beyoncé

Pretty hurts.

Jane's P.O.V

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and another towel on my hair. I brushed my teeth and walked to my closet to wear my night dress. I like wearing shorts and a sports bra whenever I want to sleep. To me, they're super comfy.

After putting on my nightwear, I was on my way to the kitchen when I heard my phone ring. I ran back to my room to get my phone. I saw my phone on the bed and picked it up. It's Arie, she said she would call.

"Hey, Arie" I answered. "Jane, are you at home?" She asked. "Yeah, what about you? Is Roy there?" I asked. "Yes, I'm home. Roy is not here yet, and it's almost midnight." She said. I sighed.

"Don't worry, he'll be home soon. Maybe he had to complete some work at his office or something. Don't worry just relax, take a shower, and go to sleep. Okay, sweetie." I said and she sighed.

"Okay thanks" she replied not as cheerful as the Arie I know.

"Good night. Don't think about anything. Just sleep." I smiled. "Okay bye." She hung up.

Arie and I used to live together before she moved in with her boyfriend, Roy. She has been my best friend since I moved to America. She knows everything about me, my past, everything that happened to me.

I let out a deep breath. I don't feel like eating anything, I just need to sleep. Tomorrow is Friday.

OMG! Another day with my annoying boss. God help me.

Liam's P.O.V

"Let's go," I said to John while entering the car.

"Is everything Alright? You look angry." John asked. John has been working for me for a very long time, which is why I consider him a friend. I met him when he came back from his second tour to Afghanistan, and I was just going to college. He became my body guide after I got my master's, and he said he was leaving the military. He's one of the few people I trust.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just need to get some sleep, it's been a long day." I said to John. He nodded and started driving. I let out a deep breath.

What's wrong with me? I just met this girl today. When I was in the studio, I felt like hugging her.

I watched her, every move she made while dancing was beautiful.

Damn! She's good.

And then, I saw tears coming out of her eyes. I don't why she was crying, but I think the song she was dancing to was touching. I didn't want her to stop dancing, but I felt the urge to console her.

When she saw me, different emotions passed through her eyes. At first, she was surprised, then confused, and then angry. I couldn't keep the smirk off my face.

There's something about that lady. Something about her challenges me. Something about her is mysterious, and I want to solve it.

I told her I wouldn't fire her but do something worse. What punishment can I give her? I rubbed my chin while thinking of a punishment.

Then I heard someone open the door. I didn't even realize we were in the front of the hotel. Until John spoke. "We are here, Liam."

A middle-aged man opened the door for me to get out of the car. "Welcome sir," The middle-aged man said. I nodded in reply walking inside the hotel. John said something to the receptionist and she gave him a card, the key to my suite.

Finding HappinessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz