Chapter 14-- Strange Changes

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Jane's P.O.V

I opened my eyes but I quickly closed them back. The light coming through the window was too much for me, making my headache get worse.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes to see clearly. It was the sun shining, I could see the whole of New York through the big glass.

Is this a glass house?

"Wow! This is beautiful. I don't mind waking up to this every morning," I said.

Wait a minute, where the hell am I? And what in the world happened yesterday?

I looked around and then I saw a note on the nightstand with a bottle of water and Advil. I took the note and read it.

Good Morning Jane, I'm sorry about last night. Let's talk about it later. I had to head out to meet someone urgently. John will take you back to your apartment whenever you're ready. Make sure you take care of yourself. You don't have to worry about work today, Just go home and rest. Call me if you need anything.


I twirl my head to look around again.

The room was almost as big as my whole apartment, then I realized I was in his room.

What the hell happened last night?

Oh no!

Did I sleep with Liam?

Oh my god, what have I done? I stood up immediately and then I realized my dress was still on me. And I don't feel anything strange.

I sighed. That's a relief.

I took all my stuff and walked out of his bedroom. I was startled when I saw his housekeeper thinking she was someone else. I greeted her and she replied with a smile.

I walked straight into the elevator, hitting the down button.

I saw John talking to the other security in the lobby. "Good morning," I greeted and John turned towards me. "Jane! Good morning. I hope you slept well," He asked politely.

"Yes, I did. Thank you," I replied. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah," I nodded. We both walked towards the black Benz and John opened the door for me. I thanked him and entered.

Forty-five minutes later, I texted Liam to let him know I was in my apartment. He's still yet to reply to my text. He is probably busy. I decided to go back to sleep.

I walked into my office and logged into my computer as usual.

I started preparing the necessary things knowing we have a board meeting today, and It might take a while.

Liam recently made the front cover of Time Magazine, as the most powerful and successful young CEO. He is also known as the most eligible bachelor.

Ever since the birthday party, Liam has changed towards me. It's like he kept his distance for some reason I don't seem to understand. He put on a stern look all the time like the first time I met him. He wouldn't talk to me unless it had to do with work. Sometimes, he yells at people including me. I tried to ask him, but he only changed the discussion.

I just hope it has nothing to do with the drunk Jane. She probably said something bad. I mean it's been three weeks, and he didn't say anything about it.

I don't like this Liam. He's back to his playboy lifestyle. He has gone out with at least four girls within the two weeks. He's always trying to avoid my contact.

I saw him walk towards the elevator, I stood up and ran after him.

It was time for the board meeting. We both stood in the elevator silently.

I was busy staring at the ceiling throughout the ride. All I wanted was to talk to him, but he wouldn't say anything that was not work-related.

The meeting lasted for three hours, and they argued for some reason. It was a freaking Congress meeting up in there.

After the meeting, I packed my stuff ready to go home. We both entered the private elevator again while others waited for the other elevator.

"Liam? What's going on with you?" I asked

"What do you mean? Please refer to me as Mr. Greenwood. We don't want people questioning us," He replied sternly.


"I apologize. I promise that won't happen again," I said firmly.

Seriously, who is this guy beside me?

"Just so you know this person... that you're trying to be. Isn't you, and it sucks," I said before stepping out.

He held my arm to stop me.

"This is me. I guess you just didn't notice before. You're here to work. This is business Ms. Collins, not a social place. Get that into your head. Also, it might be a good idea for you to head back to Chicago. I'm currently working on that," He said and walked away.

I just stood there, speechless.

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